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4 - Charts

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For Notebooks

The Notebook is available here. In Taipy GUI, the process to execute a Jupyter Notebook is different from executing a Python Script.

Charts are an essential part of Taipy (and of any Web application!). A chart is just another visual element with many properties to customize it.

Here is one of the simplest code to create a chart:

list_to_display = [100/x for x in range(1, 100)]
list_to_display = [100/x for x in range(1, 100)]
with tgb.Page() as page:

Different formats can be passed to a chart element: a list, a Numpy array, or a Pandas Dataframe.

You can also use Plotly Python to create a figure object and inject it in the chart:

from taipy.gui import Gui 
import plotly.graph_objects as go

list_to_display = [100/x for x in range(1, 100)]
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(y=list_to_display))

page = "<|chart|figure={fig}|>"

from taipy.gui import Gui 
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb 
import plotly.graph_objects as go

list_to_display = [100/x for x in range(1, 100)]
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(y=list_to_display))

with tgb.Page() as page:


Different useful properties

Taipy charts are based on Plotly charts. More than any other visual element, charts have a lot of properties.

Here are a few of the essential properties. You can also look at the documentation for more information. - x and y are used to define the axis of the chart. Note that even if data inside columns are dynamic, the name of columns to display in a chart are not.

data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col1": [4, 1, 2]}
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col1": [4, 1, 2]}
with tgb.Page() as page:
    tgb.chart("{data}", x="x_col", y="y_col1")
  • x and y can be indexed to add more traces to the chart:
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col_1": [4, 2, 1], "y_col_2": [3, 1, 2]}
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col1": [4, 1, 2], "y_col_2": [3, 1, 2]}
with tgb.Page() as page:
    tgb.chart("{data}", x="x_col", y__1="y_col1", y__2="y_col_2")
  • Taipy provides a lot of different options to customize graphs. color is one of them:
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col_1": [4, 2, 1], "y_col_2":[3, 1, 2]}
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col1": [4, 1, 2], "y_col_2": [3, 1, 2]}
with tgb.Page() as page:
    tgb.chart("{data}", x="x_col", y__1="y_col1", y__2="y_col_2", color__1="green")

Different types of charts

Different types are available: maps, bar charts, pie charts, line charts, and 3D charts, ... To know how to use them quickly, types are listed here. If compatible, two types like scatter, line_, and bar can also be used together on the same chart.

data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col_1": [4, 1, 2], "y_col_2": [3, 1, 2]}
data = {"x_col": [0, 1, 2], "y_col1": [4, 1, 2], "y_col_2": [3, 1, 2]}
with tgb.Page() as page:
    tgb.chart("{data}", x="x_col", y__1="y_col1", y__2="y_col_2", type__1="bar")


A chart is added to our code to visualize the score given by our NLP algorithm to different lines.

page = """
... put the previous Markdown page here


<|{dataframe}|chart|type=bar|x=Text|y[1]=Score Pos|y[2]=Score Neu|y[3]=Score Neg|y[4]=Overall|color[1]=green|color[2]=grey|color[3]=red|type[4]=line|>

dataframe = pd.DataFrame({"Text":['Test', 'Other', 'Love'],
                          "Score Pos":[1, 1, 4],
                          "Score Neu":[2, 3, 1],
                          "Score Neg":[1, 2, 0],
                          "Overall":[0, -1, 4]})
with tgb.Page() as page:

    tgb.chart("{dataframe}", type="bar", x="Text", 
              y__1="Score Pos", y__2="Score Neu", y__3="Score Neg", y__4="Overall",
              color__1="green", color__2="grey", color__3="red", type__4="line")

dataframe = pd.DataFrame({"Text":['Test', 'Other', 'Love'],
                          "Score Pos":[1, 1, 4],
                          "Score Neu":[2, 3, 1],
                          "Score Neg":[1, 2, 0],
                          "Overall":[0, -1, 4]})

Quick tip to write visual elements

To make coding easier, each visual element has a property called properties that you can directly set to a Python dictionary of properties. To recreate the graph shown above, you can to the following:

property_chart = {"type": "bar",
                  "x": "Text",
                  "y[1]": "Score Pos",
                  "y[2]": "Score Neu",
                  "y[3]": "Score Neg",
                  "y[4]": "Overall",
                  "color[1]": "green",
                  "color[2]": "grey",
                  "color[3]": "red",
                  "type[4]": "line"

page = """
property_chart = {"type": "bar",
                  "x": "Text",
                  "y[1]": "Score Pos",
                  "y[2]": "Score Neu",
                  "y[3]": "Score Neg",
                  "y[4]": "Overall",
                  "color[1]": "green",
                  "color[2]": "grey",
                  "color[3]": "red",
                  "type[4]": "line"

tgb.chart("{dataframe}", properties=property_chart)
