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Manage versions

The taipy manage-versions command allows a Taipy user to track and manage various versions of a Taipy Core application. Please refer to the Version management documentation page for more information on creating or re-using a version.

To use the version management system, one can run the $ taipy manage-versions command in a terminal (Linux, macOS) or command prompt (Windows).

Below is the list of all the optional arguments:

  • --help or -h: Shows the help message and exits.

  • --list or -l: Lists all existing versions of the Taipy application and exits.

  • --rename OLD_VERSION NEW_VERSION: Rename the provided old version name to the new one.

  • --compare-config VERSION_1 VERSION_2: Compare the configuration of version 1 and version 2. Show the configuration differences and exits.

  • --delete VERSION or -d VERSION: Deletes the provided version and its entities.

  • --delete-production VERSION or -dp VERSION: Converts the provided production version to an experiment version.

List capabilities with the --help option

To display the help message of the manage-version command, you can run taipy help manage-versions command. Alternatively, you can use the --help or -h options by running taipy manage-versions --help or taipy manage-versions -h.

$ taipy help manage-versions
usage: taipy manage-versions [-h] [-l] [--rename OLD_VERSION NEW_VERSION]
                             [--compare-config VERSION_1 VERSION_2] [-d VERSION] [-dp VERSION]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            List all existing versions of the Taipy application.
                        Rename a Taipy version.
  --compare-config VERSION_1 VERSION_2
                        Compare the Configuration of 2 Taipy versions.
  -d VERSION, --delete VERSION
                        Delete a Taipy version by version number.
  -dp VERSION, --delete-production VERSION
                        Delete a Taipy version from production by version number. The version is
                        still kept as an experiment version.

List all versions

To list all versions of your Taipy Core application, you can run the version management command with --list or -l option.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
3.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-18 12:10:55
2.0                                    Production             2023-01-16 15:10:41
7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9   Experiment             2023-01-16 17:10:15
1.0                                    Production             2023-01-12 09:10:35

In the example above, there are 5 versions of the application:

  • The development version "d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9" which is also the latest version used.
  • Two experiment versions "7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9" and "3.0".
  • Two production versions "1.0" and "2.0".

Rename a version

To rename a version, you can run the version management command with --rename option, providing the current version name and the new desired name.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
2.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-16 15:10:41
1.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-12 09:10:35

$ taipy manage-versions --rename 2.0 1.1
Successfully renamed version '2.0' to '1.1'.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
1.1                                    Experiment             2023-01-16 15:10:41
1.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-12 09:10:35


You can not use an existing version as the new version name, since it may cause different versions to overlap each other.

Compare configurations

To compare the configuration between 2 versions, you can run the version management command with --compare-config option, providing the two version names.

$ taipy manage-versions --compare-config 1.0 2.0
[2023-01-25 12:52:05,484][Taipy][INFO] Differences between version 1.0 Configuration and version 2.0 Configuration:
Added object:
        DATA_NODE "my_output" has attribute "description" added: What a description
In this example, from the comparison output, we can see that the data node "my_output" of version 2.0 has a newly added attribute named "description".

Delete a version

To delete a version, you can run the version management command with --delete or -d option.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
3.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-18 12:10:55
2.0                                    Production             2023-01-16 15:10:41
7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9   Experiment             2023-01-16 17:10:15
1.0                                    Production             2023-01-12 09:10:35

$ taipy manage-versions --delete "1.0"
Successfully delete version 1.0.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
3.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-18 12:10:55
2.0                                    Production             2023-01-16 15:10:41
7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9   Experiment             2023-01-16 17:10:15

Remove a version from production

To convert a version from production to experiment, you can run the version management command with --delete-production option.

$ taipy manage-versions --list
Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
3.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-18 12:10:55
2.0                                    Production             2023-01-16 15:10:41
7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9   Experiment             2023-01-16 17:10:15
1.0                                    Production             2023-01-12 09:10:35

$ taipy manage-versions --delete-production "1.0"
Successfully delete version 1.0 from the production version list.

$ taipy manage-versions --list

Version number                         Mode                   Creation date
d74ec95e-6b98-4612-b50b-d171599fa3e9   Development (latest)   2023-01-19 14:45:10
3.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-18 12:10:55
2.0                                    Production             2023-01-16 15:10:41
7a24dbb8-bdf6-4c84-9ddf-7b921abc5df9   Experiment             2023-01-16 17:10:15
1.0                                    Experiment             2023-01-12 09:10:35

After running the command above, production version "1.0" is converted to an experiment version.