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Available in Taipy Enterprise edition

This section is relevant only to the Enterprise edition of Taipy.

Authorization is the process of driving the application logic differently depending on the user using it: after a user is identified (see the Authentication section), several roles may have been assigned to that user, in a Credentials object.

In Taipy Enterprise, authorization deals with ensuring a given user is granted some access rights to a given resource, or that different pages are displayed depending on that user's profile.

Role Traits

Role traits are features associated to a role or a combination of roles. They can be any object the application needs to adapt its logic to a given configuration of roles for a given authenticated user.
A Role Traits can be any value an application may use to drive its logic. Traits are defined by the application and are selected using role traits filters given an authenticated user with a specific role set configuration.

Basic example

Say your application needs to test if some group of users (identified by their credentials) is allowed to perform a given task. This group is given a specific role: "MagicRole".
The application should allow users that have the "MagicRole" role to do something, and prevent the others from doing so.

We can create a role traits filter that does just that:

access_filter = AnyOf("MagicRole", True, False)
Calling the get_traits() method of this filter with credentials that hold the "MagicRole" role will return the value True (the success value).
False (the failure value) is returned if the credentials do not have the "MagicRole" role, .

Let's create a user and see what happens:

user = login("<username>", "<password>")
if access_filter.get_traits(user):
    # Access is granted
    # Access is denied
The test is straightforward because the traits are as simple as a Boolean value.
Depending on the user identity, the application follows one path or the other.

Access control

A typical use case where role traits are valuable is access control. Role traits filters can be combined to provide a value for role traits depending on the roles assigned to users.

Let's imagine that your application needs to manipulate two types of resources: Document et Post. Resources have access rights specific to their nature.

A Document can be read or modified.

class Document(Resource):
    CAN_READ = 1
    CAN_MODIFY = 2
We create two integer values that can be combined to represent the access rights users may be granted for that resource type.

A Post can be published or deleted.

class Post(Resource):
    CAN_DELETE = 2

In this situation, the role traits are a combination of access right flags, for each resource type.
Here are the roles that we plan to handle:

  • "publisher": can read documents and can publish or delete posts.
  • "editor": can read and write documents but has no access to posts.
  • "reviewer": can read documents and delete posts.

No access rights are granted if a user has none of these three roles.

Here is how we could define the role traits filters for these two resource types, based on the requirements above:

class Document(Resource):
    access_filter = AnyOf(["publisher", "reviewer"], CAN_READ,
                          AnyOf("editor", CAN_READ|CAN_MODIFY, 0))

class Post(Resource):
    access_filter = AnyOf("publisher", CAN_PUBLISH|CAN_DELETE,
                          AnyOf("reviewer", CAN_DELETE, 0))
Access rights are combined at the resource level so the role traits reflect what roles are granted what access rights as a combination of flags.

In the body of the functions that perform the protected operation, we can check if users have the relevant access rights:

class Document(Resource):
    def read(self, credentials, ...):
        if Document.access_filter.get_traits(credentials) & Document.CAN_READ:
            # Grant access
            # Access is prohibited
    def modify(self, credentials, ...):
        if Document.access_filter.get_traits(credentials) & Document.CAN_MODIFY:
            # Grant access
            # Access is prohibited

class Post(Resource):
    def publish(self, credentials, ...):
        if Post.access_filter.get_traits(credentials) & Post.CAN_PUBLISH:
            # Grant access
            # Access is prohibited
    def delete(self, credentials, ...):
        if Post.access_filter.get_traits(credentials) & Post.CAN_DELETE:
            # Grant access
            # Access is prohibited

You can then invoke, Document.modify(), Post.publish() or Post.delete() with the credentials of the user that is using the application. The proper logic will be applied depending on the user's roles.

Role traits value

Role traits can be any sort of value, even functions.

Here is some code to demonstrate this:

us_figure = ...
emea_figure = ...
apac_figure = ...

def results_for_exec():
  return f"Worldwide: {us_figure+emea_figure+apac_figure}"

def results_for_sales():
  return f"US: {us_figure}, EMEA: {emea_figure}, APAC: {apac_figure}"

def results_for_others():
  return f"This information is not available"

result_filter = AnyOf("exec", results_for_exec,
                      AnyOf("sales", results_for_sales, results_for_others))

We define three different functions, that return a string representing figures for a company, in different regions.

Users are registered so that the company executives, and only them, are assigned the "exec" role. Every member of the Sales team has the "sales" role.

The company executives really care about the overall figures, may be not the regional data at this point. So the information is just the aggregation of the regional figures.
The result_filter role traits filter indicates that if a user has the "exec" role, the informative string should be the result of calling results_for_exec.

Other users, if they have the "sales" role will see the result of calling results_for_sales.

Finally, users that have neither the "exec" or the "sales" roles will be presented the result of the results_for_others function.

Now if a user is authenticated with the user credentials, printing the relevant information is done with the following code:

print(f"Results: {result_filter.get_traits(user)()}")
The role traits are retrieved from the filter for that particular user. Because we know these traits are a function, we evaluate it so we get the expected string at the end of the journey.

Note that is a user has both the "exec" and the "sales" roles (the CSO, COO or CFO might), the filter is built so that this user only gets the Exec level information output.

Role Traits for GUI pages

Taipy GUI Enterprise edition uses role traits to select pages that user can display.

The AuthorizedPage class lets you specify a role traits filter where both the success and failure cases must be a page renderer (an instance of Markdown, Html, or gui.builder.Page instance - see the section on Page Renderers for more information).
Instead of calling Gui.add_page() for the page renderer, you will use the same API, providing the defined AuthorizedPage instance.
When the requested page is an AuthorizedPage, the role traits filter is triggered so that the relevant page renderer is used to display the page that the user can see and interact with.

The documentation for AuthorizedPage shows an example of how to use this functionality.

Permissions in Taipy Core

You can control the access to the functionalities exposed by the entities of Taipy Core.

Taipy Core uses four predefined user roles names that can be assigned to users. Each of these predefined roles provide a different set of capabilities and are described in details below.


"Caution: If the application relies on the LDAP authentication, note that Taipy does not provide functions to populate the predefined user roles to the user's LDAP server. The user is expected to populate the roles themselves."


  • A reader ("TAIPY_READER" role) has the permission to view the various entities and related data in a data node.
  • A reader, however, cannot create, edit, delete an entity or edit the data in a data node manually. Readers are not permitted to submit tasks, sequences, or scenarios, subscribe or unsubscribe to an execution or cancel, pause or resume any job.


  • An editor ("TAIPY_EDITOR" role) has the permission to view, create, edit and delete the various entities and related data in data node.
  • An editor, however, cannot execute any task, sequence, or scenario, subscribe or unsubscribe to an execution or cancel, pause or resume any job.


  • An executor ("TAIPY_EXECUTOR" role) has the permission to view the various entities, and related data in the data node, submit tasks, sequences or scenarios for execution, subscribe or unsubscribe an execution, and cancel, pause or resume any job.
  • An executor, however, cannot create, edit or delete the various entities, and related data in data node.


  • An admin ("TAIPY_ADMIN" role) is not restricted at all.
    An admin is able to perform all actions available to other roles with no restrictions.