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Taipy uses the Config mechanism (Python or TOML) to configure the version management. A dedicated Config section named CORE can be used. Moreover, its attributes can be dynamically overwritten at runtime with command-line interface (CLI) options.

This section describes the various methods to configure the Taipy version management system.

Configure using Core Configuration

The first method is configuring the CoreSection with the Config.configure_core() method. For more details about the configuration fields, please refer to the Core config documentation page.

from taipy import Config

Config.configure_core(mode="experiment", version_number="0.1")

In the above example, we configure the version management system by setting the mode to experiment with the version number "0.1".

Configure using a TOML file

You can also provide a TOML file configuration with a specific section named [CORE].

Here is an example of a TOML file that set the mode to experiment with the version number is "0.1", and force overriding the previous experiment version when there is conflicting Configuration.

mode = "experiment"
version_number = "0.1"
force = "True:bool"

The TOML file can be loaded by Taipy using Python coding as follow.

from taipy import Config


Configure using both Taipy Config and a TOML file

If you configure the Taipy version management system using a TOML file, the value associated with each field in the TOML file will override the one provided in the Taipy Config.

For more information about how to configure your application using a TOML file, please refer to the Advanced configuration page.

Configure using the CLI

The versioning management system has many parameters that you can modify to accommodate your use-case (such as development or experiment mode). To see a list of all predefined Taipy options, you can run the taipy help run command. Alternatively, you can use the --help or -h options by running taipy run --help or taipy run -h.

Here is the list of the configuration options you can use in the CLI to configure the version management system:

  • --development or -dev: With the --development argument, Taipy runs the application in development mode using the unique development version. All existing entities (from previous runs) attached to the development version are deleted before running the Taipy application. This is the default mode.

  • --experiment [VERSION]: With the --experiment argument, Taipy runs the application in experiment mode and only considers the entities attached to the version used. All other entities attached to different versions are filtered out. When the version is provided as a command line argument, a new experiment version is created using the version name provided. If no version is provided, a random string is used. If the version provided already exists, Taipy runs the application using the existing version only if the current configuration has not changed compared to the existing version.

  • --production [VERSION]: With the --production argument, Taipy runs the application in production mode with the version provided. All existing entities are accessible. If the version provided already exists as an experiment version, it is converted to a production version.

  • --force: With the --force argument, Taipy overrides a version even if the configuration has changed and runs the application. Default to False.

Configure using both the TOML file and CLI options.

If you configure the Taipy version management system using the CLI options, the value associated with each CLI option will override the one provided in the explicit TOML file.