Running in a Notebook
You can create and run a Taipy Graphical User Interface from a Jupyter Notebook.
In this situation, the web server that Taipy relies on will run on a separate thread, so the Notebook works as expected.
Creating a Taipy GUI application in a new Notebook¶
Here is a step-by-step approach to hosting a Taipy GUI within your Notebook and interacting with it.
You will start your Jupyter server the usual way:
jupyter notebook
Example code
You may want to load the Notebook source file directly within Jupyter and move from cell to cell instead of entering the code in the following steps.
Create a new Notebook by selecting the New > Python 3 (ipykernel) option located
in the upper right corner of the Jupyter interface.
Then, start creating the Notebook content.
Enter the following code into the first Notebook cell:
Cell [1] | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
As you can see, we create and run our Gui
instance in lines 13 and 14.
Note that we use the Markdown
class explicitly (in line 3). That is because, later in our code,
we will want to modify the content of the page.
Run the cell.
The output shows that a server was started (usually on,
hosting the 'Taipy' Flask app.
A new window is created in your browser, displaying the small interface we have just created.
Note that the text control automatically displays value when you move the slider thumb. That
shows that Taipy has successfully bound the variable value to both the
and the
You can witness the user interface update when you change a variable on the fly. In the context of Notebooks, you can directly access the variables that are bound to the user interface:
Updating pages¶
Pages can also be updated on-the-fly.
In the case when you do not use new variables in the new page content, you can simply use the
method of the Page
class to update the content of the page.
In our example, that would mean calling this method on the page object.
Enter the following code into a new Notebook cell to test it out:
# Taipy in a Notebook
Value: <|{value}|>
Set: <|{value}|slider|>
As a number field: <|{value}|number|>
All we did was add a number
control to the page, bound to the same variable value.
Run this cell and refresh the page in the browser to see this control appear, showing the variable value as it was set before. Changing the value in the number field or the slider will update it in all three controls.
Updating variables¶
The point of using Notebooks (besides making it possible to provide explanatory text along with the code in a single document) is to allow for changing variables on the fly and see the impact of these changes immediately. Let's see how we can use that feature with Taipy.
Enter the following line into a new cell:
gui.state.value = 50
The gui.state property
This property is provided only in the context of Notebooks, where there is a single connection to the server, allowing to access a unique 'state'.
Adding variable bindings¶
A more complicated case is where new variables are introduced within the updated content of a page.
In this situation, you must update the content of the page with the set_content()
just like above, then reload the application context using the Gui.reload()
method on the
gui object.
This is an example of where this must be done.
In another cell, enter the following text:
import math
xrange = range(0, 720)
def compute_data(v):
return [ v * math.cos(2 * math.pi * x / 100) +
(100-v) * math.sin(2 * math.pi * x / 50)
for x in xrange]
data = compute_data(value)
After running this cell, the variable data holds an array of floating-point values representing some fancy trigonometric function (computed in compute_data()) based on some parameter.
If we want to display these values in a chart, we need to change our page to add a
control to it (and remove the
You can update the page content on the fly by creating a new cell with the following content:
# Taipy in a Notebook
Value: <|{value}|>
Set: <|{value}|slider|>
Run this cell.
If you refresh the page where the interface is displayed, you will see that the chart
appears, but with no data. You also get warnings from Taipy indicating that the data variable
could not be found.
To make the Gui
instance aware of the data variable, you must reload the server.
You can do that by creating a new cell with the following content:
Note that gui.reload()
is equivalent to:
Adding interaction¶
A final step we can take is to add some interaction to this application.
We want the data recomputed when the sider value is modified and witness the chart reflect that
Create another cell and enter the following:
def on_change(state, var_name, var_value):
if var_name == "value": = compute_data(state.value)
The code in this cell implements a callback function that gets called when controls on the page
trigger the on_change
callback. This function updates the data displayed in the user
interface when the variable value changes (when the user moves the slider thumb).
However, the Gui
object was initially created without knowing about this function that it must
bind controls to. To reset the Taipy server and connect to on_change(), you must run the final
The page appears in your browser. The slider now controls the chart that is automatically updated when a new value is set.
Restarting the web server
Some Notebook environments cannot restart the underlying web server so that Taipy GUI
can immediately reuse the port number it was communicating with. To cope with this problem, in
the context of Notebooks only, the port number used as part of the application URL is a
proxy to the real served port. Invoking run()
after stop()
generates a hidden port
number that gets used transparently. This behavior is controlled by the
notebook_proxy configuration setting.