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Vertical slider

Vertical slider

Name Type Default Value Description
label string labelText Text label to display. Manually editing this field will set the inheritLabelFromData parameter to false
inheritLabelFromData boolean True When set to true, the label will be inherited from the connected variable
displayLabel boolean True If true, the label is displayed
labelFontSize number 0.5 Label font-size
labelColor string var(--widget-label-color) Label text color
labelFontFamily string var(--widget-font-family) Label font-family. Possible values: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script MT, Montserrat, ralway, Lucida Grande, Lato, Menlo
rangeActuator boolean False If true, inherit min and max values from min/max actuators
min number 0 Min value of the slider
max number 100 Max value of the slider
step number 1 Increment of the slider
sliderRangeColor string var(--widget-range-color) Slider range color
sliderSegmentColor string var(--widget-segment-color) Slider segment color
sliderHandleDefaultColor string var(--widget-handle-default-color) Color of the slider handle
sliderHandleHoverColor string var(--widget-handle-hover-color) Hover color of the slider handle
sliderHandleActiveColor string var(--widget-handle-active-color) Active color of the slider handle