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Paths for datanode

Entry points that interact with DataNode entities.



Returns a DataNodeSchema list representing all existing data nodes.


    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes
In this example the REST API is served on port 5000 on localhost. We are using curl command line client.

Here is an example of the response:

    {"datanode": {
        "id": "DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d",
        "config_id": "historical_data_set",
        "scope": "<Scope.SCENARIO: 2>",
        "storage_type": "csv",
        "name": "Name of my historical data node",
        "owner_id": "SCENARIO_my_awesome_scenario_97f3fd67-8556-4c62-9b3b-ef189a599a38",
        "last_edit_date": "2022-08-10T16:03:40.855082",
        "job_ids": [],
        "version": "latest",
        "validity_days": null,
        "validity_seconds": null,
        "edit_in_progress": false,
        "data_node_properties": {
            "path": "daily-min-temperatures.csv",
            "has_header": true}

If there is no data node, the response is an empty list as follows:


This Python example requires the 'requests' package to be installed (pip install requests).

import requests
response = requests.get("http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes")

In case of success here is an output example:

<Response [200]>
    {"datanode": {
        "id": "DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d",
        "config_id": "historical_data_set",
        "scope": "<Scope.SCENARIO: 2>",
        "storage_type": "csv",
        "name": "Name of my historical data node",
        "owner_id": "SCENARIO_my_awesome_scenario_97f3fd67-8556-4c62-9b3b-ef189a599a38",
        "last_edit_date": "2022-08-10T16:03:40.855082",
        "job_ids": [],
        "version": "latest",
        "validity_days": null,
        "validity_seconds": null,
        "edit_in_progress": false,
        "data_node_properties": {
            "path": "daily-min-temperatures.csv",
            "has_header": true}

If there is no data node, the response is an empty list as follows:

<Response [200]>


When the authorization feature is activated (available in Taipy Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires the TAIPY_READER role.



Creates a new data node from the config_id given as parameter.


    curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes?config_id=historical_data_set
In this example the REST API is served on port 5000 on localhost. We are using curl command line client.

In this example the config_id value ("historical_data_set") is given as parameter directly in the url. A corresponding DataNodeConfig must exist and must have been configured before.

Here is the output message example:

{"msg": "datanode created",
"datanode": {
    "default_path": null,
    "path": "daily-min-temperatures.csv",
    "name": null,
    "storage_type": "csv",
    "scope": 2,
    "has_header": true}

This Python example requires the 'requests' package to be installed (pip install requests).

import requests
response ="http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes?config_id=historical_data_set")
In this example the config_id value ("historical_data_set") is given as parameter directly in the url. A corresponding DataNodeConfig must exist and must have been configured before.

Here is the output example:

<Response [201]>
{'msg': 'datanode created',
'datanode': {
    'name': None,
    'scope': 2,
    'path': 'daily-min-temperatures.csv',
    'storage_type': 'csv',
    'default_path': None,
    'has_header': True}}


When the authorization feature is activated (available in Taipy Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires the TAIPY_EDITOR role.


Name Type Required Description
config_id string Yes The identifier of the data node configuration.




Deletes the DataNode identified by the datanode_id given as parameter. If the data node does not exist, a 404 error is returned.


    curl -X DELETE                     http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes/DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d
In this example the REST API is served on port 5000 on localhost. We are using curl command line client.

DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d is the value of the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the data node we want to delete.

In case of success here is an example of the response:

{"msg": "datanode DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d deleted"}

In case of failure here is an example of the response:

{"message": "Data node DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d not found."}

This Python example requires the 'requests' package to be installed (pip install requests).

import requests
response = requests.delete(
DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d is the value of the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the Cycle we want to delete.

In case of success here is an output example:

<Response [200]>
{"msg": "Data node DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d deleted."}

In case of failure here is an output example:

<Response [404]>
{'message': 'Data node DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d not found.'}


When the authorization feature is activated (available in Taipy Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires the TAIPY_EDITOR role.


Name Type Required Description
datanode_id string Yes The identifier of the data node to delete.


  • 200
    Status: OK

    Name Type
    message string
  • 404
    Status: Not Found

    No data node has the datanode_id identifier.


Returns a DataNodeSchema representing the unique DataNode identified by the datanode_id given as parameter. If no data node corresponds to datanode_id, a 404 error is returned.


    curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes/DATANODE_hist_cfg_75750ed8-4e09-4e00-958d
In this example the REST API is served on port 5000 on localhost. We are using curl command line client.

DATANODE_hist_cfg_75750ed8-4e09-4e00-958d-e352ee426cc9 is the value of the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the data node we want to retrieve.

In case of success here is an example of the response:

{"datanode": {
    "id": "DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d",
    "config_id": "historical_data_set",
    "scope": "<Scope.SCENARIO: 2>",
    "storage_type": "csv",
    "name": "Name of my historical data node",
    "owner_id": "SCENARIO_my_awesome_scenario_97f3fd67-8556-4c62-9b3b-ef189a599a38",
    "last_edit_date": "2022-08-10T16:03:40.855082",
    "job_ids": [],
    "version": "latest",
    "validity_days": null,
    "validity_seconds": null,
    "edit_in_progress": false,
    "data_node_properties": {
        "path": "daily-min-temperatures.csv",
        "has_header": true}

In case of failure here is an example of the response:

{"message":"DataNode DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d not found"}

This Python example requires the 'requests' package to be installed (pip install requests).

import requests
response = requests.get(
DATANODE_hist_cfg_75750ed8-4e09-4e00-958d-e352ee426cc9 is the value of the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the data node we want to retrieve.

In case of success here is an output example:

<Response [200]>
{"datanode": {
    "id": "DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d",
    "config_id": "historical_data_set",
    "scope": "<Scope.SCENARIO: 2>",
    "storage_type": "csv",
    "name": "Name of my historical data node",
    "owner_id": "SCENARIO_my_awesome_scenario_97f3fd67-8556-4c62-9b3b-ef189a599a38",
    "last_edit_date": "2022-08-10T16:03:40.855082",
    "job_ids": [],
    "version": "latest",
    "validity_days": null,
    "validity_seconds": null,
    "edit_in_progress": false,
    "data_node_properties": {
        "path": "daily-min-temperatures.csv",
        "has_header": true}

In case of failure here is an output example:

<Response [404]>
{"message":"DataNode DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d not found"}


When the authorization feature is activated (available in Taipy Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires the TAIPY_READER role.


Name Type Required Description
datanode_id string Yes The identifier of the data node to retrieve.




Returns the data read from the data node identified by datanode_id. If the data node does not exist, a 404 error is returned.


  curl -X GET                   http://localhost:5000/api/v1/datanodes/DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d/read

DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d is the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the data node to read.

Here is an output example. In this case, the storage type of the data node to read is csv, and no exposed type is specified. The data is exposed as a list of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a raw of the csv file.

{"data": [
    {"Date": "1981-01-01", "Temp": 20.7}, {"Date": "1981-01-02", "Temp": 17.9},
    {"Date": "1981-01-03", "Temp": 18.8}, {"Date": "1981-01-04", "Temp": 14.6},
    {"Date": "1981-01-05", "Temp": 15.8}, {"Date": "1981-01-06", "Temp": 15.8},
    {"Date": "1981-01-07", "Temp": 15.8}

This Python example requires the 'requests' package to be installed (pip install requests).

import requests
response = requests.get(
DATANODE_historical_data_set_9db1b542-2e45-44e7-8a85-03ef9ead173d is the datanode_id parameter. It represents the identifier of the data node to read.

Here is an output example. In this case, the storage type of the data node to read is csv, and no exposed type is specified. The data is exposed as a list of dictionaries, each dictionary representing a raw of the csv file.

{"data": [
    {"Date": "1981-01-01", "Temp": 20.7}, {"Date": "1981-01-02", "Temp": 17.9},
    {"Date": "1981-01-03", "Temp": 18.8}, {"Date": "1981-01-04", "Temp": 14.6},
    {"Date": "1981-01-05", "Temp": 15.8}, {"Date": "1981-01-06", "Temp": 15.8},
    {"Date": "1981-01-07", "Temp": 15.8}


When the authorization feature is activated (available in Taipy Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires the TAIPY_READER role.


Name Type Required Description
datanode_id string Yes The id of the data node to read.

Request body:



  • 200
    Status: OK

    Name Type
    data Any
  • 404
    Status: Not Found

    No data node has the datanode_id identifier.



Write data from request body into a data node by datanode_id. If the data node does not exist, a 404 error is returned.


When the authorization feature is activated (available in the Enterprise edition only), this endpoint requires TAIPY_EDITOR role.

Code example:

  curl -X PUT -d '[{"path": "/abc", "type": 1}, {"path": "/def", "type": 2}]' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


Name Type Required Description
datanode_id string Yes -

Request body:



  • 200
    Status: OK

    Name Type
    message string
  • 404
    Status: Not Found

    No data node has the datanode_id identifier.