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Leaflet JSON maps

Leaflet JSON maps

Name Type Default Value Description
geoJson object {'numberOfLayers': 1} Defines the number of layers with geojson
choropleth object {'numberOfLayers': 0} Defines the number of layers with choropleth
heatMap object {'numberOfLayers': 0, 'sampledDisplay': False, 'densityHeatMap': False} Heatmap object description
lineHeatMap object {'numberOfLayers': 0} Defines the number of layers with line heatmap
imageOverlay object {'numberOfLayers': 0} Defines the number of layers with images
svgOverlay object {'numberOfLayers': 0} Defines the number of layers with svg images
defaultCenter object {'latitude': 48.872063, 'longitude': 2.331773, 'zoom': 16} Defines the default center and zoom of the map
offlineSupport boolean False Provides support for storing map tiles into the current browser local storage. This allows the map to be used offline. The map will be stored in the browser local storage and will be available even if the user closes the browser. Select the geographic area and click the save button to store the tiles.
tileServer string inheritFromTheme Map tile provider. Possible values: inheritFromTheme, MapboxStreets, MapboxDark, HereSatelliteDay, HereTerrainDay, HereHybridDay
drawingFeatures boolean False When set to true, it allows the user to manually select points, lines, rectangles or polygone regions in the map. The user can also delete the selected features. The selected features can be saved in a variable conntected to the selectedGeoJson actuator
drawingFeaturesOptions object {'point': True, 'line': True, 'polygon': True, 'rectangle': True, 'modal': False} Defines the available drawing features
captureClickEvent boolean False Enables the click event capture. Returns a lat/lng object to the connected variable to the selectedPoint actuator
markerCluster boolean True Enables the clustering of point markers