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Name Type Default Value Description
addControls boolean False
resetPastSelection boolean False If true, past selection is reset
valueFontSize number 0.4 Value font-size
valueFontFamily string var(--widget-font-family) Value font-family. Possible values: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script MT, Montserrat, ralway, Lucida Grande, Lato, Menlo
checkboxWidth number 7 Width of the checkboxs
checkboxHeight number 1.5 Height of the checkboxs
valueDefaultColor string var(--widget-label-color) Color of displayed text in checkboxs
checkboxDefaultColor string var(--widget-multiselect-color) Backgroud color of checkboxs
checkboxBorderColor string var(--widget-multiselect-border-color) Border color
valueHoverColor string var(--widget-multiselect-hover-text) Hover color of displayed text in checkboxs
checkboxHoverColor string var(--widget-multiselect-hover-color) Hover color of the checkboxs
checkboxHoverBorderColor string var(--widget-multiselect-hover-border-color) Hover border color
valueFocusColor string var(--widget-multiselect-checked-text) Focus color of displayed text in checkboxs
checkboxFocusColor string var(--widget-multiselect-checked-color) Focus color of checkboxs
checkboxFocusBorderColor string var(--widget-multiselect-checked-border-color) Focus border color
displayBorder boolean True If true, a border is displayed around the widget
borderColor string var(--widget-border-color) Border color
isNumber boolean False If true, value type is a number