Displays and modify the definition of a scenario.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
(★) |
Union[Scenario,list[Scenario]] dynamic |
The scenario to display and edit. |
active |
bool dynamic |
True | Indicates if this component is active. |
expandable |
bool |
True | If True, the scenario viewer can be expanded. |
expanded |
bool |
True | If True, when a valid scenario is selected, the scenario viewer is expanded and its content is displayed. |
show_submit |
bool |
True | If False, the scenario submit button is not visible. |
show_delete |
bool |
True | If False, the button to delete a scenario is not visible. |
show_config |
bool |
False | If False, the scenario configuration label is not visible. |
show_creation_date |
bool |
False | If False, the scenario creation date is not visible. |
show_cycle |
bool |
False | If False, the scenario cycle label is not visible. |
show_tags |
bool |
True | If False, the scenario tags are not visible. |
show_properties |
bool |
True | If False, the scenario properties are not visible. |
show_sequences |
bool |
True | If False, the scenario sequences are not visible. |
show_submit_sequences |
bool |
True | If False, the buttons to submit scenario sequences are not visible. |
on_submission_change |
Union[str, Callable] |
A function or the name of a function that is triggered when a submission status is changed.
id |
str |
The identifier that will be assigned to the rendered HTML component. |
class_name |
str dynamic |
The list of CSS class names associated with the generated HTML Element. |
is the default property for this visual element.
The scenario control displays the information stored in a given scenario, lets the user change its parameters at runtime, and provides ways to submit it or one of its sequences.
When the scenario property is set to a Scenario
instance, the control displays
the information for that scenario.
Here is what the control would look like when representing a scenario entity:

Next to the scenario's label at the top of the control and if the scenario is primary in its
cycle, there is an icon showing a flag.
On the right side of the label, a 'play' button can trigger the scenario submission.
The user can click the scenario label to change it:

The user must click the 'check' button to apply the change or the 'cross' button to cancel the operation.
The user can see the scenario's tags in the 'Tags' section.
To add a tag, enter text in the tags area and press 'Enter'. You can create as many tags as you
want. When you have created all the tags and want to add those tags to the scenario, press the
'Apply' button to the right of the tags area.
You can cancel your actions by pressing the 'Cancel' button.
The 'Sequences' section presents the potential sequences of the scenario.
To add a sequence, press the 'Add +' button. A new sequence is then created, for which you must
provide a name (note each sequence must have a unique name).
To edit a sequence, click anywhere on its row. You can then rename it and select its tasks.
To delete a sequence, click the trash icon of its row.
If the scenario has sequences, the user can submit each sequence independently by pressing the 'Submit' button to the right of the sequence's label.
Users can also add or modify custom properties. Click on an existing property name or value to
modify it, and the "New Property Key" label or "Value" next to it to create a new custom
Here is what the section looks like when the user requests the creation of a new property:

To delete a custom property, the user must select it, then press The 'trash' button that appears on the right side.
Show or hide sections¶
A few properties (namely show_submit, show_delete,
show_config, show_cycle, show_tags,
show_properties, show_sequences, and
show_submit_sequences) let you customize what sections of the
control are visible.
Here is the definition of such a control where the tags, properties and sequences sections are hidden:
<|{scenario}|scenario|don't show_tags|don't show_properties|don't show_sequences|>
<taipy:scenario show_tags="false" show_properties="false" show_sequences="false">{scenario}</taipy:scenario>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.scenario("{scenario}", show_tags=False, show_properties=False, show_sequences=False)
The control appears as follows, in a more compact manner: