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Name Type Default Value Description
text string Type texte Text of the tip
enableActuator boolean False If true, inherit tooltip text from value actuator
fontSize string medium Tooltip text font size. It can be small, medium, large, or a number as 10px
fontWeight string bold font weight of the tip. It can be thin, light, regular, medium, bold,...
fontFamily string var(--widget-font-family) Text font-family. Possible values: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script MT, Montserrat, ralway, Lucida Grande, Lato, Menlo
textColor string var(--widget-button-text) Text color of the tip
textPadding number 10 Text padding in px
tipBackgroundColor string var(--widget-button-color) Background color of the tip
tipBorderColor string var(--widget-button-text) Border color of the tip
tipWidth number 200 Tip width in px
tipPositions object ['right'] Tip position, it can choose 1 to 4 options together ['right', 'bottom', 'left', 'top']
tipEventTrigger string hover Tip event trigger, it can be hover or click if 1 event. If 2 events (in and out) it can be ['mouseover', 'click'] or ['focus', 'blur']
iconColor string var(--widget-label-color) Icon color
iconSize number 1 Icon size
iconSign string info-circle Icon sign. It can be info-circle or question-circle or exclamation-circle [FontAwesome]
cornerRadius number 10 Icon corner radius
spikeLength number 15 Icon spike length
spikeGirth number 5 Icone spike girth