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Event class

Event object used to notify any change in a Taipy application.

An event holds the necessary attributes to identify the change.


attribute_name class-attribute instance-attribute

attribute_name: Optional[str] = None

Name of the entity's attribute changed. Only relevant for UPDATE operations.

attribute_value class-attribute instance-attribute

attribute_value: Optional[Any] = None

Value of the entity's attribute changed. Only relevant for UPDATE operations.

creation_date class-attribute instance-attribute

creation_date: datetime = field(init=False)

Date and time of the event creation.

entity_id class-attribute instance-attribute

entity_id: Optional[str] = None

Unique identifier of the entity that was changed.

entity_type instance-attribute

entity_type: EventEntityType

Type of the entity that was changed (DataNode, Scenario, Cycle, etc. ).

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata: dict = field(default_factory=dict)

A dictionary of additional metadata about the source of this event.

operation instance-attribute

operation: EventOperation

Enum describing the operation that was performed on the entity.

The operation is among CREATION, UPDATE, DELETION, and SUBMISSION.