Displays its children in a block.
The part
block is used to group visual elements into a single element.
This allows to show or hide them in one action and be placed as a unique element in a
There is a simplified Markdown syntax to create a part
, where the element name is optional:
just before the end of the line indicates the beginning of a part
at the beginning of a line indicates the end of the part
Name | Type | Default | Description |
(★) |
str dynamic |
A list of CSS class names, separated by white spaces, that are associated with the generated HTML Element. |
render |
bool dynamic |
True | If True, this part is visible on the page. |
page |
str dynamic |
The page to show as the content of the block (page name if defined or a URL in an iframe). |
height |
str dynamic |
The height, in CSS units, of this block. |
content |
Any dynamic |
The content provided to the part. See the documentation section on content providers. |
partial |
taipy.gui.Partial |
A Partial object that holds the content of the block. |
id |
str |
The identifier that is assigned to the rendered HTML component. |
properties |
dict[str, Any] |
Bound to a dictionary that contains additional properties for this element. |
hover_text |
str dynamic |
The information that is displayed when the user hovers over this element. |
is the default property for this visual element.
You can use the part
block to group several visual elements into a single element. That makes it
far easier to deal with page layout.
The content property¶
The value of the content property can be an instance of a specific class from which
it is possible to generate HTML content. The part
block can encapsulate this HTML code and allows
for integrating any third-party content into a Taipy GUI page.
Here is how this property is managed:
- You have an instance of a class (ContentType) that holds data you want to create a
representation of.
Let's assume that a variable my_content stores this instance. - In the application page, you create a
element that references my_content in the value for its content property:<|part|content={my_content}|>
- You need a function that transforms that instance into an HTML string that is injected into the
final page.
We call such a function a content provider. A content provider takes a single argument: an instance of the content type it can transform. It returns a string containing the HTML code, resulting in the transformation of the instance.
In our example, let's assume that this function is called my_content_provider(). Its definition must, therefore, be:def my_content_provider(my_instance: ContentType) -> str: ... # Return the transformed 'my_instance' as an HTML string ...
- You must tell Taipy GUI which content provider to use when a
element has a specific type set in its content property.
Use the static functionGui.register_content_provider()
to do this: this function associates a type with its content provider.
In our situation, we would call:Gui.register_content_provider(ContentType, my_content_provider)
If you complete all those steps and a part's content property is set to an instance of ContentType, then when needed, Taipy will call the my_content_provider() function to generate the HTML code and render the part.
Of course, because content is a dynamic property, you can create content that updates when some variables change. See the example on custom providers for a demonstration of that feature.
Predefined Content Providers
Out-of-the-box, Taipy GUI can handle content values that are:
- An instance of the
The part embeds the Matplotlib image. - An instance of the
The part block encapsulates the Plotly figure as an inline frame. This technique is less flexible than using the figure property of thechart
control because it does not provide callbacks to the application.
Grouping controls¶
The most straightforward use of the part
block is to group different visual elements in a single
element to make it easy to manipulate.
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
with tgb.part()
Showing and hiding controls¶
If you set the render property to False, the part
is not rendered
at all:
Page content
<|part|don't render|
<taipy:part render="false">
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
with tgb.part(render=False)
If the value of render is bound to a Boolean value, the part
will show or hide its
elements according to the value of the bound variable.
Styling parts¶
The default property name of the part
block is class_name. This allows setting
a CSS class to a part
with a very simple Markdown syntax:
Markdown content
(part content)
This creates a part
block that is applied the css-class CSS class defined in the
application stylesheets.
Part showing a page¶
The content of the part can be specified as an existing page name or an URL using the page property.
You can embed an existing Taipy GUI page within another page using the page property,
setting it to a page name.
If your application has registered the page_name page, you can show it on another page using the
following page definition:
<taipy:part page="page_name"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
You can also embed an external web page, setting the page property to the URL
(starting with http://
or https://
) you want to render:
Here is the Wikipedia home page:
<p>Here is the Wikipedia home page:</p>
<taipy:part page="" height="500px"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.html("p", "Here is the Wikipedia home page:")
with tgb.part(page="", height="500px")
The resulting page will be displayed as this:

Note that you may have to tune the value of the height property since the external
page controls the layout if you omit it. This would be set to a CSS dimension value (typically
"100%" when the part appears inside a layout
Part showing a partial¶
The content of the part can be specified as a Partial
instance using the partial
<taipy:part partial="{partial}"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
Integrating a Matplotlib output¶
We can set the content property to an instance of the matplotlib.figure.Figure
class. As explained in the section on the content, this class is
automatically recognized by Taipy GUI, and the Matplotlib output is inserted in the part.
Here is an example, largely inspired by an example of the
Matplotlib Gallery.
Consider the code below:
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy as np
def koch_snowflake(order, scale=10):
def _complex(order):
if order == 0:
# initial triangle
angles = np.array([0, 120, 240]) + 90
return scale / np.sqrt(3) * np.exp(np.deg2rad(angles) * 1j)
ZR = 0.5 - 0.5j * np.sqrt(3) / 3
p1 = _complex(order - 1) # start points
p2 = np.roll(p1, shift=-1) # end points
dp = p2 - p1 # connection vectors
new_points = np.empty(len(p1) * 4, dtype=np.complex128)
new_points[::4] = p1
new_points[1::4] = p1 + dp / 3
new_points[2::4] = p1 + dp * ZR
new_points[3::4] = p1 + dp / 3 * 2
return new_points
points = _complex(order)
x, y = points.real, points.imag
return x, y
figure = Figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plot = figure.subplots(1, 1)
x, y = koch_snowflake(4)
plot.fill(x, y, facecolor='none', edgecolor='purple', linewidth=2)
We then create a matplotlib.figure.Figure
, stored in figure, that displays this shape.
We can define the part
block that uses this figure with the following:
<taipy:part content="{figure}" height="520px"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.part(content="{figure}", height="520px")
Note that because the part knows nothing about the dimensions of its content, we have to set a reasonable and explicit value for the height property.
Here is the result on the page:

Integrating third-party graphics¶
The value of the content property can be any instance of a class that Taipy GUI
can use to generate output.
We are using the concept of content providers to achieve this.
Consider the following code:
from io import StringIO
import math
class Spiral:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.size = 500 # Size of the shape
self.nturns = 5 # Number of full rounds
self.points_per_round = 100 # Number of points in one full round
def get_svg(self) -> str:
s = StringIO()
# Generate header
f'<svg width="{self.size}" height="{self.size}" '
f'viewBox="-{self.size/2} {-self.size/2} {self.size} {self.size}" '
# Start path
'<path d="'
theta = 0 # Initial angle
d_theta = (
2 * math.pi / self.points_per_round
) # Angle increment for each segment
initial_radius = 0
expansion = 0.025
type = "M" # SVG segment type. Initial 'M' (move) then 'L' (line)
for turn in range(self.nturns * self.points_per_round):
r = initial_radius + expansion * theta # Radius at this angle
x = self.size * r * math.cos(theta) / 2
y = self.size * r * math.sin(theta) / 2
s.write(f"{type}{x:.1f} {y:.1f} ")
type = "L"
theta += d_theta
# End path and svg tag
s.write('" stroke="red" fill="none"/></svg>')
return s.getvalue()
To integrate that SVG element into the part
and display the spiral, we must create and register
a content provider for the Spiral class.
Here is how to do that:
def spiral_to_text(spiral: Spiral) -> str:
return spiral.get_svg()
Gui.register_content_provider(Spiral, spiral_to_text)
The call to Gui.register_content_provider()
tells Taipy GUI to use this content provider when the
content property of a part
stores a Spiral instance.
We can create an instance of the Spiral class:
spiral = create_spiral()
And use the variable spiral in the definition of the part
<taipy:part content="{spiral}" height="520px"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.part(content="{spiral}", height="520px")
Here is what the result looks like:

Now, let's improve this example by adding user interaction.
We will use a variable called expansion to control how fast the spiral grows, initialized to
the value 25:
expansion = 25
We need to change slightly the code of Spiral to leverage this parameter:
class Spiral:
def __init__(self, expansion: int) -> None:
self.size = 500 # Size of the shape
self.nturns = 5 # Number of full rounds
self.points_per_round = 100 # Number of points in one full round
self.expansion = expansion
def get_svg(self) -> str:
s = StringIO()
# Generate header
f'<svg width="{self.size}" height="{self.size}" '
f'viewBox="-{self.size/2} {-self.size/2} {self.size} {self.size}" '
# Start path
'<path d="'
theta = 0 # Initial angle
d_theta = (
2 * math.pi / self.points_per_round
) # Angle increment for each segment
initial_radius = 0
type = "M" # SVG segment type. Initial 'M' (move) then 'L' (line)
for turn in range(self.nturns * self.points_per_round):
r = initial_radius + self.expansion * theta / 1000 # Radius at this angle
x = self.size * r * math.cos(theta) / 2
y = self.size * r * math.sin(theta) / 2
s.write(f"{type}{x:.1f} {y:.1f} ")
type = "L"
theta += d_theta
# End path and svg tag
s.write('" stroke="red" fill="none"/></svg>')
return s.getvalue()
In the page, add a slider
control bound to this variable:
<taipy:slider min="1" max="1000">{expansion}</taipy:slider>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.slider("{expansion}", min=1, max=1000)
Now, we modify the definition of the part content to dynamically create a Spiral instance with a new expansion value when the slider moves:
<taipy:part content="{Spiral(expansion)}" height="520px"/>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.part(content="{Spiral(expansion)}", height="520px")
Here are two images resulting from two different slider knob positions:

All the part blocks are generated with the "taipy-part" CSS class. You can use this class name to select the part blocks on your page and apply style.
Stylekit support¶
The Stylekit provides specific classes that you can use to style part blocks:
- align-item-top
If this part block is inside alayout
block, this CSS class aligns the part content to the top of the layout column it belongs to. - align-item-center
If this part block is inside alayout
block, this CSS class vertically aligns the part content to the center of the layout column it belongs to. - align-item-bottom
If this part block is inside alayout
block, this CSS class vertically aligns the part content to the bottom of the layout column it belongs to. - align-item-stretch
If this part block is inside alayout
block, this CSS class gives the part the same height as the highest item in the row where this part appears in the layout.
The Stylekit also has several classes that can be used to style part blocks,
as described in the Styled Sections
Because the default property of the part block is class_name, you can use the
Markdown short syntax for parts:
(card content)
Creates a part
that has the card class defined
in the Stylekit.