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taipy.gui.builder package


  • Page: Page generator for the Builder API.
  • button: A control that can trigger a function when pressed.
  • chart: Displays data sets in a chart or a group of charts.
  • chat: A control that provides the user interface for chatting.
  • content: Create a content pseudo-element
  • data_node: Displays and edits of a data node.
  • data_node_selector: Displays a list of the Data Node entities that can be selected.
  • date: A control that can display and specify a formatted date, with or without time.
  • date_range: A control that can display and specify a range of dates or times.
  • dialog: A modal dialog.
  • expandable: Displays its child elements in a collapsible area.
  • file_download: Allows downloading of a file content.
  • file_selector: Allows uploading a file content.
  • html: A visual element defined as an HTML tag.
  • image: A control that can display an image.
  • indicator: Displays a label on a red-to-green scale at a specific position.
  • input: A control that displays some text that can potentially be edited.
  • job_selector: Select jobs from the list of all job entities.
  • layout: Organizes its children into cells in a regular grid.
  • login: A control that lets users enter their username and password.
  • menu: Shows a left-side menu.
  • metric: A control that provides a visualization for a specific metric.
  • navbar: A navigation bar control.
  • number: A kind of input that handles numbers.
  • pane: A side pane.
  • part: Displays its children in a block.
  • progress: A control that can show the progression of some operation.
  • scenario: Displays and modify the definition of a scenario.
  • scenario_dag: Displays the DAG of a scenario.
  • scenario_selector: Select scenarios from the list of all scenario entities.
  • selector: A control that allows for selecting items from a list of choices.
  • slider: Displays and allows the user to set a value within a range.
  • status: Displays a status or a list of statuses.
  • table: Displays a data set as tabular data.
  • text: Displays a value as a static text.
  • toggle: A series of toggle buttons that the user can select.
  • tree: A control that allows for selecting items from a hierarchical view of items.