Taipy can expose REST APIs so an external application can send and receive data to and from any Taipy application. Taipy REST Server must first be started. (See the REST User Manual to learn how to run the Rest server).

Once the taipy REST server is running, any REST client can make some HTTP requests to the various APIs exposed.

All the APIs are exposed at the following base url: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/ where <HOST> and <PORT> are placeholders to be replaced respectively by the application host and the application port. The various entry points are grouped by domain (data node, task, sequence, scenario, cycle, job, auth). Each domain corresponds to a specific path:

  • The APIs related to authentication and authorization are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/auth/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for auth.
  • The APIs related to cycles are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/cycles/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for cycles.
  • The APIs related to data nodes are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/datanodes/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for data nodes.
  • The APIs related to job and orchestration are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/jobs/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for jobs.
  • The APIs related to sequences are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/sequences/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for sequences.
  • The APIs related to scenarios are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/scenarios/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for scenarios.
  • The APIs related to tasks are grouped under the base url
    http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v1/tasks/. Here is the exhaustive list of all entrypoints for tasks.

Note that all the schemas are described in this schemas section.