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AllOf class

Bases: RoleTraitsFilter

Select traits depending on whether all user roles belong to the filter or not.

Available in Taipy Enterprise only

This class exists only in the Enterprise edition of Taipy.

AllOf is a role traits filter that recursively selects role traits depending on the user roles: get_traits() returns the success value if the credentials hold all the filter roles and failure if they do not.


You can create an AllOf role traits filter with the following code:

my_filter = AllOf(["role1", "role2"], "All roles are present")

Let's pretend that a user is identified by the credentials instance of Credentials.

  • If the credentials hold the role "role1" only, but do not hold "role2", then my_filter.get_traits(credentials) returns None, which is the default value for the failure case.
  • If the credentials hold the roles "role1" and "role2" and potentially any other roles, then my_filter.get_traits(credentials) returns the string "All roles are present", which is the value that was set for the success case.



    filters: Union[str, List[str], Set[str]],
    success: Optional[Union[RoleTraits, Any]],
    failure: Optional[Union[RoleTraits, Any]] = None,
) -> None

Initialize an All Role Traits filter.


Name Type Description Default


Union[str, List[str], Set[str]]

The role or set of roles to filter.



Optional[Union[RoleTraits, Any]]

The role traits that are returned if all of the user roles appear in filters or if filters is empty.



Optional[Union[RoleTraits, Any]]

The role traits that are returned if not all of the user roles appear in filters or if the user has no roles.



get_traits(credentials: Optional[Credentials]) -> Any

Return the role traits for the indicated credentials.

This method is recursive: role traits filters (see AnyOf, AllOf or NoneOf) can hold both a role traits value, that the application can use in its logic, or a RoleTraits instance. In this latter case, this role traits filter is processed for further role traits selection.


Name Type Description Default



The credentials that are used to compute the roles traits.



Name Type Description
Any Any

The role traits corresponding to the roles held in credentials.
An empty set is returned if credentials is not an instance of Credentials.