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A control that can display and specify a range of dates or times.

The user is expected to select the starting and ending dates defining the date range, typically stored as the first and second element of an array of or datetime.datetime objects.
Note that the control does not check whether the first day precedes the second one: should the application enforce that, it must be programmed accordingly.

Warning on Windows

When you are using dates earlier than January 1st, 1970 (the UNIX epoch) in a date range control on a Windows system, you may receive a warning in the console where the script was run, indicating a raised exception in datetime.astimezone().
This is a known problem in the Python implementation, referenced in the Python issue tracker, that Taipy has no workaround for.


Name Type Default Description
dates(★) list[datetime]

The dates that this control represents and can modify.
It is typically bound to a list of two datetime object.

with_time bool False

Whether or not to show the time part of the date.

format str

The format to apply to the value. See below.

editable bool

Shows the date as a formatted string if not editable.

label_start str

The label associated with the first input.

label_end str

The label associated with the second input.

width Union[str,int] None

The width of the date_range element.

on_change Union[str, Callable]

A function or the name of a function that is triggered when the value is updated.
This function is invoked with the following parameters:

  • state (State): the state instance.
  • var_name (str): the variable name.
  • value (Any): the new value.

propagate bool App config

Allows the control's main value to be automatically propagated.
The default value is defined at the application configuration level by the propagate configuration option.
If True, any change to the control's value is immediately reflected in the bound application variable.

active bool

Indicates if this component is active.
An inactive component allows no user interaction.

id str

The identifier that is assigned to the rendered HTML component.

properties dict[str, Any]

Bound to a dictionary that contains additional properties for this element.

class_name str

The list of CSS class names that are associated with the generated HTML Element.
These class names are added to the default taipy-date_range class name.

hover_text str

The information that is displayed when the user hovers over this element.

(★)dates is the default property for this visual element.


The format property lets you indicate how to display the date objects set to the dates property. Note that the format is used only when editable is set to False (the date range control is read-only).
The date control has the same property. Please look at this control's documentation for more information on this property.


Selecting a date range

The dates property (which is the default property for this control) must be set to an array of two objects, representing the selected start and end dates of the range.

Assuming the variable dates was defined by the following code:

import datetime

start_date =, 1, 27)
end_date   =, 12, 5)
dates = [start_date, end_date]

The definition of the date range selector is as simple as:


import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

The date range selector looks like this:

Date range selector

An on_change callback can be set to retrieve the user's selection:

def on_change(s: State, name: str, value: any):
    if name == "dates":
        # value[0] is set to the first selected date
        # value[1] is set to the second selected date

Selecting a range with times

You can set the with_time property to True to display the range time: the dates should then be instances of datetime.datetime.

Here is some code that defines the date range with specific time values:

import datetime

start_date = datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 26, 7, 37)
end_date   = datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 26, 19, 2)
dates = [start_date, end_date]

The control definition just has the with_time property set to True:


<taipy:date_range with_time>{dates}</taipy:date_range>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.date_range("{dates}", with_time=True)

Here is how the date range selector looks like:

Date range selector with time

Custom labels

The label_start and label_end properties can be used to label the date fields to provide context to the user.

Here is how a hotel reservation application may declare a date range selector with appropriate labels for booking a given period:


<taipy:date_range label_start="Check-in" label_end="Check-out">{dates}</taipy:date_range>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.date_range("{dates}", label_start="Check-in", label_end="Check-out")

Here is how the date range selector looks like:

Labels on the date fields


All the date range controls are generated with the "taipy-date-range" CSS class. You can use this class name to select the date range selectors on your page and apply style.

The generated HTML elements have additional specific classes:

  • The date picker element for the start date is assigned the "taipy-date-range-picker" and "taipy-date-range-picker-start" classes.
  • The date picker element for the end date is assigned the "taipy-date-range-picker" and "taipy-date-range-picker-end" classes. classes.

Changing colors

The start and end date pickers contain a date input field with the "MuiInputBase-root" class.

Below are examples of CSS rules that modify the colors of the date range control:

.taipy-date-range {
    .taipy-date-range-picker-start {
        .MuiInputBase-root {
            & {
                color: green;

            .MuiIconButton-root: {
                color: green;

    .taipy-date-range-picker-end {
        .MuiInputBase-root {
            & {
                color: orange;

            .MuiIconButton-root {
                color: orange;

When these CSS rules are applied, the date range control is styled as shown below:

Styling the date range control