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Markdown class

Bases: _Renderer

Page generator for Markdown text.

Taipy can use Markdown text to create pages that are the base of user interfaces.

You can find details on the Taipy Markdown-specific syntax and how to add Taipy Visual Elements in the section on Markdown of the User Manual.



__init__(content: str, **kwargs) -> None

Initialize a new Markdown page.


Name Type Description Default



The text content or the path to the file holding the Markdown text to be transformed.
If content is a path to a readable file, the file is read as the Markdown template content.


The Markdown constructor supports the style parameter as explained in the section on Styling and in the set_style() method.


create_page() -> t.Optional[Page]

Create the page content for page modules.

If this page is a page module, this method must be overloaded and return the page content.

This method should never be called directly: only the Taipy GUI internals will.

The default implementation returns None, indicating that this class does not implement a page module.


Type Description

The page content for this Page subclass, making it a page module.


set_style(style: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]) -> Page

Set the style for this page.

The style parameter must contain a series of CSS rules that apply to the generated page.
Each key of this dictionary should be a CSS selector and its associated value must be a CSS declaration or a CSS rule itself, benefiting from nested CSS features.

For example, you could set the style parameter to:

  "class1": {
    "css_property1": "css_value1",
  "class2": {
    "class3": {
      "css_property2": "css_value2",
That would set the "css_property1" to "css_value1" for all elements with the "class1" class, and "css_property2" to "css_value2" for all elements with the "class3" class that are descendants of elements with the "class2" class.


Name Type Description Default



A dictionary describing the style as CSS or Nested CSS.



Type Description

This Page instance.