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Load file button

Load file button

Name Type Default Value Description
text string Load file Displayed text button
numberOfTriggers number 1 Number of triggers
fileInput boolean False If true, the widget transforms into a load file button
binaryFileInput boolean False If true, the widget transforms into a binary load file button
buttonFontSize number 0.3 Button font size
displayIcon boolean False If true, it displays the icon described in fontAwsomIcon
fontAwesomeIcon string FontAwesome icon. Examples can be found at
buttonFontFamily string var(--widget-font-family) Button text font-family. Possible values: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script MT, Montserrat, ralway, Lucida Grande, Lato, Menlo
buttonTextColor string var(--widget-button-primary-text) Text color
buttonDefaultColor string var(--widget-button-primary-color) Color of the button
buttonActiveColor string var(--widget-button-active-color) Active color of the button
buttonHoverColor string var(--widget-button-hover-color) Hover color of the button