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Displays a status or a list of statuses.


Name Type Default Description
value(★) Union[tuple,dict,list[dict],list[tuple]]

The different status items to represent. See below.

without_close bool False

If True, the user cannot remove the status items from the list.

id str

The identifier that is assigned to the rendered HTML component.

properties dict[str, Any]

Bound to a dictionary that contains additional properties for this element.

class_name str

The list of CSS class names that are associated with the generated HTML Element.
These class names are added to the default taipy-status class name.

hover_text str

The information that is displayed when the user hovers over this element.

(★)value is the default property for this visual element.


Every status line has a message to be displayed and a status priority.

The status priority is defined by a string among "info" (or "i"), "success" (or "s"), "warning" (or "w"), and "error" (or "e"). An unknown string value sets the priority to "info".
These priorities are sorted from lower to higher as indicated here.

The property value can be set to a value with the following type:

  • A tuple: the status shows a single line; the first element of the tuple defines the status value, and the second element holds the message.
  • A dictionary: the status shows a single line; the key "status" of the dictionary holds the status value, and the key "message" holds the message.
  • A list of tuples: a list of status entries, each defined as described above.
  • A list of dictionaries: a list of status entries, each defined as described above.

When a list of statuses is provided, the status control can be expanded to show all individual status entries. Users can then remove individual statuses if without_close is set to False (which is the default value).


Show a simple status

To show a simple status control, you would define a Python variable:

status = ("error", "An error has occurred.")

This variable can be used as the value of the property value of the status control:


import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

The control is displayed as follows:

A simple status

Note that the variable status could have been defined as a dictionary to achieve the same result:

status = {
    "status": "error",
    "message": "An error has occurred."

Show a list of statuses

The status control can show several status items. They are initially collapsed, where the control shows the number of statuses with a status priority corresponding to the highest priority in the status list.

You can create a list of status items as a Python variable:

status = [
    ("warning", "Task is launched."),
    ("warning", "Taks is waiting."),
    ("error", "Task timeout."),
    ("info", "Process was cancelled.")

The declaration of the control remains the same:


import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

The control is initially displayed as this:

A collapsed status list

If the user clicks on the arrow button, the status list is expanded:

An expanded status list

The user can remove a status entry by clicking on the cross button. Here, the user has removed the third status entry:

After the removal of a status

Prevent status dismissal

If you don't want the user to be allowed to dismiss the displayed statuses, you can set the without_close property to True:


<taipy:status without_close>{value}</taipy:status>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.status("{value}", without_close=True)

With the same array as above, here is what the expanded control looks like:

Preventing removals


All the status controls are generated with the "taipy-status" CSS class. You can use this class name to select the status controls on your page and apply style.