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Extension libraries

Extension Libraries

Although Taipy GUI comes with a set of visual elements that lets users create comprehensive user interfaces, there are situations where applications may need to provide a particular kind of element with capabilities that one cannot find in Taipy GUI out-of-the-box.

Taipy GUI has an extension mechanism that allows developers to add their own visual elements so they can be accessed by Taipy GUI when defining page content.
This mechanism is known as "Taipy GUI Extension".


Taipy GUI lets developers create and use custom visual elements to address specific use cases or integrate third-party web components. One can expand the functionality offered by the base Taipy GUI package to create custom components that can be effortlessly used in pages and shared with the community.

Custom visual elements are grouped into Element Libraries, where each element is identified by its name. An element name must be unique in the context of its library.
Each library also has a name. To insert a custom visual element in a page, you will use the full name of the element:

  • <library name>.<element name> in a Markdown page
  • <library name>:<element name> in an HTML page

Element Libraries and Custom Elements

An Element Library holds the information necessary to refer to and instantiate custom visual elements. Element libraries can contain several visual element descriptors and can be packaged into a standalone Python package that a Taipy GUI application can import or that can be deployed.

Here are essential points you need to know about element libraries:

You can create an element library by simply subclassing ElementLibrary and overriding the required methods. The two mandatory methods to override are get_name() and get_elements():

from taipy.gui.extension import ElementLibrary, Element

class CustomLibrary(ElementLibrary):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.elements = {
          "<element1 name>": Element(...),
          "<element2 name>": Element(...),

    def get_name(self) -> str:
        return "<library name>"

    def get_elements(self) -> dict:
        return self.elements

Note that in order not to reevaluate the dictionary that holds the declaration of elements, we create it in the class constructor, and store it in a new data member (self.elements). This data member is then returned by get_elements().

Other methods can be overridden if necessary, which will be discussed later in the manual.

Declaring Elements

As we have seen, custom visual element descriptors are associated with the name of the element as it appears on pages in the dictionary returned by the get_elements() method.

The Element constructor needs a description of all the properties that this element holds, as well as how this element is rendered.

Element("<default property name>",
           "<property1 name>": ElementProperty(<property1 type>, ...),
           "<property2 name>": ElementProperty(<property2 type>, ...),
        <rendering arguments>)

An element property descriptor (handled by the ElementProperty class) must indicate its type (one of the PropertyType values) and potentially a default value.

All elements must indicate what their default property name is. That is used in Markdown pages as the first fragment of the <|...|> construct or the value located in the text part of an element tag in HTML pages.
Of course, default_property_name must be one of the keys of the properties dictionary provided to the Element.__init__(Element constructor).

Rendering Elements

The Taipy GUI Extension package provides two different ways to implement the rendering of the element and its interactions. Both approaches deliver HTML fragments that are inserted into the page when it is requested.

  • Static elements.
    A static visual element cannot interact with the underlying application.
    It can be used just like any other element in a page, but its properties are not bound to application variables: if a variable value is modified, it does not impact the representation of the element on the page.
    Static elements are implemented by creating a string that holds the XHTML text (that is, HTML that respects the XML syntax, where all tags must be closed) that is inserted in the page displayed by the browser. This string is computed and returned by the function set to the render_xhtml parameter of the Element constructor.
    Please go to the Static Elements section for a complete description of how to implement your own custom static elements.

  • Dynamic elements.
    Dynamic elements provide the binding functionality of Taipy GUI: if a property value depends on an application variable (and if the property type is dynamic), then the page automatically updates when the variable value changes.
    In Taipy GUI, dynamic visual elements are implemented using the React JavaScript library and the TypeScript programming language (that builds on JavaScript).
    You indicate that a custom element is dynamic by setting the react_component parameter of the Element constructor to the name of the React component that must be created to render the element.
    The section on Dynamic Elements provides an introduction to custom dynamic elements.

Registering an extension library

An extension library must be exposed to the Taipy GUI application so application pages can use its elements:

  • The Python application must import the library module or package so it can be instantiated;
  • The library must be instantiated and the instance must be used in the invocation of the function Gui.add_library() to expose the extension library to the application.


To create and use custom visual elements, you need to install the following:

  • Taipy GUI 2.0 or higher (included in Taipy and Taipy Enterprise).
  • Python 3.9 or higher.
  • If you need to create dynamic custom visual elements, you also need to install Node.js (version 18 or above).
    Note that this comes with npm, the Node Package Manager.
    Basic knowledge of React (that we use with TypeScript) and JavaScript is welcome.

Extension library project structure

Because you might have to work in two different programming languages (Python for the back-end side of the extension library and static elements, and TypeScript - or JavaScript - for the front-end part of dynamic elements), we recommend organizing your extension library projects so that both are clearly separated and easily built.
There is a template repository hosted on GitHub that you can copy. This template holds the entire directory structure allowing for the creation of an extension library with dynamic elements.

Here is what the directory structure of a typical extension library project looks like:

<project dir>
├── pyproject.toml
└── <package dir>/
    └── front-end/ (only if you need dynamic elements)
        ├── package.json
        ├── tsconfig.json
        ├── webpack.config.js
        └── src/
            ├── index.ts
            └── <component>.ts

Each of these entries needs some explanation:

  • pyproject.toml: Python project settings file for the extension library package.
    This is used when building a standalone Python package from all the code that makes an extension library. See the section on packaging for more details.
  • Commands to be executed when the Python package is built as a source distribution. The section on packaging explains what this file should contain.
  • <package dir>/: The root directory for the extension library. This contains all the Python (and potentially TypeScript/JavaScript code) needed to build the extension library.
    The name of this directory is used as the name of the root directory for the Python package.
  • <package dir>/ Required to make <package dir> a valid Python package directory.
    It is also the right place to import the library class because it is easier from the developer's standpoint when a Taipy GUI application imports the extension library.
  • <package dir>/ The implementation file for the extension library.
    This is where you typically will define the subclass of ElementLibrary that implements your extension library.
  • <package dir>/front-end/: If you create an extension library containing dynamic elements, we strongly encourage storing all the front-end-specific code in this dedicated directory.
    This should contain all the TypeScript/JavaScript code for the React components and what it takes to build the JavaScript bundle that the extension library uses.
  • <package dir>/front-end/package.json: The meta-data for the Node project that holds the components implementing the front-end side of the dynamic elements of your extension library.
  • <package dir>/front-end/tsconfig.json: The TypeScript compilation options.
  • <package dir>/front-end/webpack.config.js: The configuration to build the JavaScript bundle of the extension library.
  • <package dir>/front-end/src/: The source file for the front-end components.
    Grouping all the TypeScript/JavaScript in the same place makes finding and bundling with them easier.
  • <package dir>/front-end/src/index.ts: The entry point of the JavaScript bundle.
    This file must export the React components of the bundle.
  • <package dir>/front-end/src/<component>.ts: The implementation file for a React component used by a dynamic element. Each component typically has its own implementation file.

Going forward

A complete example of a custom extension library that holds both a static element and dynamic elements is accessible with its entire source code and build process in the doc/extension directory under the root directory of the Taipy GUI installation.
You can also take a look at this extension library example directly on GitHub.

This example defines a subclass of ElementLibrary called ExampleLibrary that holds several examples of custom elements.

The following sections demonstrate specific areas of the extension API. You should be able to make your way from one example to the next.