4 - Multipage

In this part we will add a second page to our application and a sidebar menu to navigate between pages.

Download the code

Sidebar Menu

Using the same code as the previous steps, let's add a root page which will contain the sidebar menu and appear on all pages:

from taipy.gui import Gui, Icon, navigate

with tgb.Page() as root_page:
            ("page1", Icon("images/map.png", "Sales")),
            ("page2", Icon("images/person.png", "Account")),
from taipy.gui import Gui, Icon, navigate

menu_lov = [
    ("page1", Icon("images/map.png", "Sales")),
    ("page2", Icon("images/person.png", "Account")),

root_page = """

Here we use the menu visual element to create a sidebar menu. menu take a label which will be displayed at the top of the menu, a list of values (lov) which need the following format: (page_url, Icon(icon_image_path, page_name)), and a callback function to call when an option is selected.

The images used are available here

Let's add a second page:

with tgb.Page() as page_2:
    tgb.text("# Account **Management**", mode="md")
    tgb.button("Logout", class_name="plain")
page_2 = """
# Account **Management**

And run the application:

pages = {"/": root_page, "page1": page, "page2": page_2}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Gui(pages=pages).run(title="Sales", dark_mode=False, debug=True)

For multipage applications, we use pages instead of page as the argument of the Gui class.

pages is a dictionary where the key is the page URL and the value is the page object.

We now need to create a callback function to navigate between pages:

def menu_option_selected(state, action, info):
    page = info["args"][0]
    navigate(state, to=page)

The callback signature for menu visual element is described here. Here we extract the page URL from the info dictionary and use the navigate function to change the page.

Lastly, we can add some CSS to resize the images and make the login button smaller:

.login-button {
    width: 20% !important;

.MuiAvatar-img {
    width: 70%;
    height: 70%;

You can learn more about multi-page navigation here.