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Properties are binding points between widgets and Python variables.

Widgets expect that the Python variables to bind, at their properties level, have a compatible type.

Properties may have the following causalities:

  • Read: read and display the value of the bound Python variable
  • Write: write to the bound Python variable
  • File: handle file loading (from the dashboard) for the Python code that will use it
  • Execute: execute Python functions

Properties with both Read/Write causality typically first read the variables to initialize the associated control, that will be available next for user input.

Basic inputs and controls

Widget Propertie(s) name(s) Variable types (py) Read Write File Execute
Numeric input value int,float X X
Text input value str X X
Checkbox value bool X X
Switch value bool X X
Horizontal slider value int,float X X
Horizontal slider min(*) int,float X
Horizontal slider max(*) int,float X
Vertical slider value int,float X X
Vertical slider min(*) int,float X
Vertical slider max(*) int,float X
Double slider minValue int,float X X
Double slider maxValue int,float X X
Double slider minRange(*) int,float X
Double slider maxRange(*) int,float X
Trigger button trigger{i} -- X
Load file button trigger{i} -- X
Load file button file_path str X
Select keys list,tuple X
Select values list,tuple X
Select selectedValue str X X
Multi-select value list,tuple X
Multi-select selectedValue list X X
List value list,tuple X X
List selectedValue list X X
Editable table value list X X(**)
  • (*) When rangeActuator parameter is true
  • (**) When editableCol parameter is set

Basic displays

Widget Propertie(s) name(s) Variable types (py) Read Write File Execute
Value display value int,float or str X
KPI value value int,float X
Status led extendedValue bool X
Progress bar value int,float X
Full-circular gauge value int,float X
Semi-circular gauge value int,float X
Arch-circular gauge value int,float X


Widget Propertie(s) name(s) Variable types (py) Read Write File Execute
Plotly line x list,numpy.array X
Plotly line y{i}(*) list,numpy.array X
Plotly bar x{i}(*) list,numpy.array X
Plotly bar y{i}(*) list,numpy.array X
Plotly pie labels list,numpy.array X
Plotly pie values list,numpy.array X
Plotly Generic Py fig Plotly.Figure X
Matplotlib fig Matplotlib.Figure X
ECharts Generic option dict (option) X
  • (*) {i} stands for a number between 1 and 16 depending on the numberOfAxis parameter

Geo & Time

Widget Propertie(s) name(s) Variable types (py) Read Write File Execute
Leafet maps geoJSON{i}(*) dict (geoJSON) X
Leafet maps heatMap{i}(*) dict X
Leafet maps lineHeatMap{i}(*) dict X
Leafet maps choropleth{i}(*) dict X
Leafet maps imageOverlay{i}(*) dict X
Leafet maps svgOverlay{i}(*) dict X
Leafet maps selectedGeoJSON(**) dict (geoJSON) X
Leafet maps selectedPoint(**) dict X
Folium map repr_html Folium.Map X
Address auto-compl. value str X X
Simple calendar dateValue str (yyyy-mm-dd) X X
Date-range calendar startDateValue str (yyyy-mm-dd) X X
Date-range calendar endDateValue str (yyyy-mm-dd) X X
Year calendar CalendarValues dict X
Year calendar SelectedDate str (yyyy-mm-dd) X X
Simple clock timeValue str (hh:mm) X X
  • (*) if enabling properties are set. {i} stands for a number between 1 and 16 depending on the corresponding parameter
  • (**) if enabling properties are set

Annotation & Video

Widget Propertie(s) name(s) Variable types (py) Read Write File Execute
Info value(*) str X
Label value(*) str X
Import Image base64Image(*) str X
Connect Image base64Image PIL.Image X
Markdown text str (Markdown) X
Generic HTML html str (HTML) X
Camera base64Image str X
Camera mimeType str X
Camera imageData str X
  • (*) if enableActuator is set