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Editable table

Editable Table

Name Type Default Value Description
headerLine boolean False If true, header line is displayed in table
tableValueFontSize number 0.5 Value font-size
striped boolean True If true, display stripped lines in table
valueColor string var(--widget-table-value-color) Color of the displayed value
valueFontFamily string var(--widget-font-family) Value font-family. Possible values: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond, Courier New, Brush Script MT, Montserrat, ralway, Lucida Grande, Lato, Menlo
valueAlign string left Horizontal alignment for the value text. Possible values: left, center, right
bordered boolean True If true, add a table border
noBorder boolean False If true, add table gridlines
editableCols string * The list editable column indices. For instance, [1] denotes that only column number 1 is editable
backgroundColor object {'primary': 'var(--widget-color-0)', 'secondary': 'var(--widget-table-striped-odd)'} Background color regarding primary and secondary rows