submit() function

Submit a scenario, sequence or task entity for execution.

This function submits the given entity for execution and returns the created job(s).

If the entity is a sequence or a scenario, all the tasks of the entity are submitted for execution.


Name Type Description Default
entity Union[Scenario, Sequence, Task]

The scenario, sequence or task to submit.

force bool

If True, the execution is forced even if for skippable tasks.

wait bool

Wait for the orchestrated jobs created from the submission to be finished in asynchronous mode.

timeout Union[float, int]

The optional maximum number of seconds to wait for the jobs to be finished before returning.
If not provided and wait is True, the function waits indefinitely.

**properties dict[str, any]

A key-worded variable length list of user additional arguments that will be stored within the Submission. It can be accessed via



Type Description

The created Submission containing the information about the submission.