get_primary_scenarios() function

Retrieve a list of all primary scenarios.


Name Type Description Default
is_sorted bool

If True, sort the output list of scenarios using the sorting key. The default value is False.

descending bool

If True, sort the output list of scenarios in descending order. The default value is False.

created_start_time Optional[datetime]

The optional inclusive start date to filter scenarios by creation date.

created_end_time Optional[datetime]

The optional exclusive end date to filter scenarios by creation date.

sort_key Literal['name', 'id', 'creation_date', 'tags']

The optional sort_key to decide upon what key scenarios are sorted. The sorting is in increasing order for dates, in alphabetical order for name and id, and in lexicographical order for tags. The default value is "name".
If an incorrect sorting key is provided, the scenarios are sorted by name.



Type Description

A list contains all primary scenarios.