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Scalar properties

In this section, we are going to add a dynamic custom element to the custom element library started in the Static Elements section.

This dynamic element will be using a property that holds a scalar value.
The role of this visual element is to display a string where each letter is displayed with a different color.

If a Python variable is bound to this property, the code can change this variable value, and the front-end would immediately reflect the new string content.

Declaring the element

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Starting from the code mentioned above, here is how you would declare this new element:

from taipy.gui.extension import ElementLibrary, Element, ElementProperty, PropertyType

class ExampleLibrary(ElementLibrary):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.elements = {
            # A dynamic element that decorates its value            
            "label": Element("value", {
                "value": ElementProperty(PropertyType.dynamic_string)
                # The name of the React component (ColoredLabel) that implements this custom
                # element, exported as ExampleLabel in front-end/src/index.ts

    def get_scripts(self) -> list[str]:
        # Only one JavaScript bundle for this library.
        return ["example_library/front-end/dist/exampleLibrary.js"]

The two highlighted sections must be detailed:

  • The "label" element has a single property called "value".
    The type of this property is PropertyType.dynamic_string, indicating that it represents a string value, and that it is dynamic.
  • The get_scripts() is overloaded to return an array of paths to JavaScript module files that Taipy GUI will load at run time.
    In our situation, the custom element library is entirely defined in a single module file ('exampleLibrary.js') and needs no dependent module.

Creating the React component

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Here is the entire implementation of the React component that our element relies on:

import React from "react";
import { useDynamicProperty } from "taipy-gui";

interface ColoredLabelProps {
  value?: string;
  defaultValue: string;

// Sequence of colors
const colorWheel = ["#FF0000", "#A0A000", "#00FF00", "#00A0A0", "#0000FF", "#A000A0"]
// The array of styles using these colors
const colorStyles = => ({ color: c }))

// ColoredLabel component definition
const ColoredLabel = (props: ColoredLabelProps) => {
  // The dynamic property that holds the text value
  const value = useDynamicProperty(props.value, props.defaultValue, "");
  // Empty text? Returning null produces no output.
  if (!value) {
    return null;
  // Create a <span> element for each letter with the proper style.
  // Note that React needs, in this situation, to set the 'key' property
  // with a unique value for each <span> element.
  return (
      {value.split("").map((letter, index) => (
        <span key={"key" + index} style={colorStyles[index % 6]}>{letter}</span>

export default ColoredLabel;
We use the useDynamicProperty() hook provided by the Taipy GUI Extension API to retrieve the value of the dynamic property. This hook returns the latest updated value.

It takes three parameters:

  • value: The bound value, coming from the props of the component;
  • defaultValue The default value, coming from the props of the component;
  • defaultStatic The default static value.

Using the element in the application

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

The demonstration Python script provided in Taipy GUI has the following content:

label = "Here is some text"

page = """
## Custom label:

Colored text: <|{label}|example.label|>

We can see how the label property of the control is bound to the Python variable label,using the default property syntax.

When you run this application, the page displays the element like this:

Colored Label

To demonstrate the dynamic aspect of this property, let's add a button on the page that, when pressed, appends a random alphanumeric character to the label variable.

In the Markdown definition of the page, we add a button:

<|Add a character|button|id=addChar|>

And implement the on_action callback to react to the user pressing this button:

def on_action(state, id):
  if id == "addChar":
    # Add a random character to the end of 'label'
    state.label += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)

If the user click the button a few times, this is what the page would look like:

With trailing random characters