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Step 5: GUI and Pipeline

In Step 4, we created a first pipeline using only Taipy Core. Let's update the GUI to reflect the results of the pipeline.

A "Predict" button is added to the page to create the pipeline and run it. When you press a button, Taipy calls the function passed to the on_action property.

<|Text displayed on button|button|on_action=fct_name_called_when_pressed|>

A chart control can be found at the end of the markdown to visualize the predictions. The chart plots two traces: the historical values and the predicted values.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Initialize the "predictions" dataset
predictions_dataset = pd.DataFrame({"Date":[dt.datetime(2021, 6, 1)],
                                    "Historical values":[np.NaN],
                                    "Predicted values":[np.NaN]})

# Add a button and a chart for our predictions
pipeline_page = page + """
Press <|predict|button|on_action=predict|> to predict with default parameters (30 predictions) and June 1st as day.

<|{predictions_dataset}|chart|x=Date|y[1]=Historical values|type[1]=bar|y[2]=Predicted values|type[2]=scatter|>

create_and_submit_pipeline() creates and executes the pipeline after being called by predict().

def predict(state):
    print("'Predict' button clicked")
    pipeline = create_and_submit_pipeline()
    update_predictions_dataset(state, pipeline)

def create_and_submit_pipeline():
    print("Execution of pipeline...")
    # Create the pipeline from the pipeline config
    pipeline = tp.create_pipeline(baseline_pipeline_cfg)
    # Submit the pipeline (Execution)
    return pipeline

After the execution of the pipeline (tp.submit()), the data stored in predictions and cleaned_data Data Nodes become accessible. The read() method accesses the data in Data Nodes.

The create_predictions_dataset() function below creates a final dataframe (that concatenates the predictions and the historical data together) containing three columns:

  • Date,

  • Historical values,

  • Predicted values.

def create_predictions_dataset(pipeline):
    print("Creating predictions dataset...")
    # Read data from the pipeline
    predictions =
    day =
    n_predictions =
    cleaned_data =

    # Set arbitrarily the time window for the chart as 5 times the number of predictions
    window = 5 * n_predictions

    # Create the historical dataset that will be displayed
    new_length = len(cleaned_data[cleaned_data["Date"] < day]) + n_predictions
    temp_df = cleaned_data[:new_length]
    temp_df = temp_df[-window:].reset_index(drop=True)

    # Create the series that will be used in the concat
    historical_values = pd.Series(temp_df["Value"], name="Historical values")
    predicted_values = pd.Series([np.NaN]*len(temp_df), name="Predicted values")
    predicted_values[-len(predictions):] = predictions

    # Create the predictions dataset
    # Columns : [Date, Historical values, Predicted values]
    return pd.concat([temp_df["Date"], historical_values, predicted_values], axis=1)

It is now really simple to get the predictions dataset and display it in the "Prediction chart" created above.

When you press the "Predict" button, this function below is called. It will update the predictions' dataset, and this change will propagate to the chart.

def update_predictions_dataset(state, pipeline):
    print("Updating predictions dataset...")
    state.predictions_dataset = create_predictions_dataset(pipeline)

This is what the structure of the code looks like for the GUI:


# Run of the Taipy Core service


GUI for a pipeline

Important Remark: A better option would have been to have the create_predictions_dataset() modeled as a last Task inside the pipeline graph.