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Graph views

Taipy Studio can create a specific kind of view representing configuration elements in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that you can visualize and modify.
We call these views "Graph Views".

There are two types of elements displayed in these views:

  • Nodes:
    These are rectangular boxes that represent specific configuration elements. All elements have an "In" and an "Out" port that lets you connect elements one to another.
  • Links:
    These a lines that represent the relation between two elements. All links go from the "Out" port of an element to the "In" port of another
    • A link from a Data Node element to a Task element indicates that the Data Node element is one of the input Data Nodes of the Task element.
    • A link from a Task element to a Data Node element indicates that the Data Node element is one of the output Data Nodes of the Task element.
    • A link from a Pipeline element to a Task element indicates that the Task element is one of the tasks of the Pipeline element.
    • A link from a Scenario element to a Pipeline element indicates that the Pipeline element is one of the tasks of the Scenario element.

Opening a Graph View

A Graph View can be created in three situations:

  • To display the entire content of a configuration file.
    Right-click a configuration file item in the CONFIG FILES section of the Taipy Configs pane, and select "Show View".
  • To display a Pipeline configuration element.
    Right-click a Pipeline configuration element in the PIPELINES section of the Taipy Configs pane, and select "Show View".
  • To display a Scenario configuration element.
    Right-click a Scenario configuration element in the SCENARIOS section of the Taipy Configs pane, and select "Show View".

The Graph View actions

At the top of a Graph View, there is a row of icons that can be clicked to trigger actions.

This row is split into three sections:

  • Left section: General tools
    • Rerun Layout
      Rearrange the elements, so they look better in the view.
    • Refresh
      Reload the configuration file in case a desynchronization occurs.
    • Unsaved
      Displayed as a circle if the configuration file was saved and as a filled disk if the file needs saving.
      This icon is not present when the Graph View represents a whole configuration file since this information is already in the tab title.
    • Generate image
      Save the Graph View as an image.
    • Fit to contents:
      Adjust the panning and zoom factor of the Graph View so the entire graph can be represented.
  • Center section: Configuration element name and type.
    This section is empty when the Graph View represents a complete configuration file.
    If the Graph View represents a pipeline configuration element, this section displays the label PIPELINE.<name> where <name> is the name of the element.
    If the Graph View represents a scenario configuration element, this section displays the label SCENARIO.<name> where <name> is the name of the element.
  • Right section: Configuration element creation tools.
    • Add Data Node
      Adds a new Data Node configuration element in the configuration file as well as in the Graph View.
    • Add Task
      Adds a new Task configuration element in the configuration file as well as in the Graph View.
    • Add Pipeline
      Adds a new Task configuration element in the configuration file as well as in the Graph View.
      This icon appears only when the Graph View represents a Scenario configuration element or a configuration file.
    • Add Scenario
      Adds a new Scenario configuration element in the configuration file as well as in the Graph View.
      This icon appears only when the Graph View represents a full configuration file.

Editing in a Graph View

To demonstrate the capabilities of the Graph View, we will create the configuration described in the Python code configuration example, using the interactive features that Taipy Studio provides.
Note that for the sake of conciseness, we will create a Scenario configuration that holds only one Pipeline configuration. When you understand the process, you will see that creating the second Pipeline configuration of the example is straightforward.

We are starting from a project where only the Python code was developed:

  • loads the configuration file and submits a scenario
  • defines the functions used by the Task configuration elements.

Note that there is no code for defining the Config object in these source files.

We also start with an empty config.toml file, where the configuration elements will be defined.

Creating the first configuration elements

We will start by opening a Graph View representing the entire configuration file then we will create the Data Node and Task configuration elements using the Graph View action buttons.

After the Task configuration and all three Data Node configurations are created, we connect the Out ports to the appropriate In ports by dragging links.

Creating the Pipeline configuration

The Pipeline configuration element is created similarly. Once the element appears in the Graph View, we connect its Out port to the In port of the Task element to indicate that the "planning" task element is part of the "production" pipeline:

Creating the Scenario configuration

Similarly, we create the Scenario configuration element and connect its Out port to the In port of the "production" pipeline to indicate that this Pipeline configuration element is part of the "scenario_configuration" scenario:

Setting the configuration elements parameters

You can select a configuration element from the Graph View and use the Details section of the Taipy Configs pane.
From there, you can set the properties of the selected element.

Here is how we can set the function used in the Task configuration we have created above. Note that Taipy Studio can locate the functions module and name, so it is easy to spot the one you want to use.
In our example, we want our Task configuration to use the function called plan from the functions module (the source file):

After this final step, the configuration file can be saved from the Graph View itself (pressing the Ctrl-S key combination). The generated configuration file can be used by the Taipy Core application: in the source file, you can load this configuration file and submit an entity created from the scenario configuration you just have designed:

import taipy.core as tp
from taipy import Config

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Retrieve the scenario configuration from the Config
    scenario_cfg = Config.scenarios["scenario_configuration"]
    # Create a scenario entity
    scenario = tp.create_scenario(scenario_cfg)
    # Submit the scenario
  • To add a control point on a link, click the link where you want to create the control point, then drag the point where you want it. Release the mouse button when you are done.
  • To remove a control point, select it (its color changes when you click on it), then press the <DEL> key.
  • To remove a link, select it while pressing the <SHIFT> key, then press the <DEL> key.
    Note that the source element of the link is removed from the Graph View but not from the configuration file.