Step 01

Download Step 1 Download the entire code

You only need one line of code to create your first Taipy web page. Just create a Gui object with a string and run it.

In the console, you'll find a client link. All you need to do is copy and paste it into your web browser to open your first Taipy page!

from taipy import Gui

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Gui(page="# Getting started with *Taipy*").run(debug=True) # use_reloader=True

The run method accepts different useful parameters:

  • debug: instructs Taipy to operate in debug mode. This means Taipy will provide a stack trace of the errors within the application—a valuable feature during development.

Debug mode

  • use_reloader: By default, the page won't refresh on its own after you make a code modification. If you want to alter this behavior, you can set the use_reloader to True. The application will automatically reload when you make changes to a file in your application and save it.

  • port: If you wish to run multiple servers concurrently, you can modify the server port number (5000 by default).

Other parameters of the run() method can be found here.

First Web Page