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Release Notes for Legacy Taipy versions

This is the list of changes to legacy major Taipy releases as they were published.

The Release Notes for the latest major version of Taipy can be found in this page.

Community edition: 2.3

Published on 2023-06.

taipy 2.3 contains the latest taipy-config 2.3, taipy-gui 2.3, taipy-core 2.3 and taipy-rest 2.3 packages.

New Features



  • Core Back-end Controls
    Taipy comes, in the taipy package, with a set of ready-to-use GUI controls that connect to entities created by Taipy Core. Your application can then visualize the Core entities and interact with them.
    Please check the list of Core back-end controls.
  • New Taipy command-line interface (CLI). Please refer to the Taipy command-line interface documentation page for more information.
  • Users can now create a new Taipy application from a template by running $ taipy create from the CLI. Besides the default template, "multi-page-gui" template can be chosen with the optional --template option.


  • The table and chart controls have a new property called rebuild that allows for modifying the control configuration at runtime, using properties that are not dynamic.
    See the details in the specific documentation sections for tables and charts.
  • The part block now accepts any URL as a value for the page property. You can then integrate any external web page as demonstrated in this example.
    To better control the layout of external pages, a new height property has been added to the the part element.
  • The navigate() function has an additional parameter called force that, when set to True, re-renders the page (set to the to parameter). This allows to force the evaluation of bound variables in complex dependencies situations.



  • All scenarios grouped by their cycle can now be retrieved by calling taipy.get_cycles_scenarios().
  • All entities (cycles, scenarios, pipelines, tasks, data nodes, and jobs) expose two new methods: get_label() and get_simple_label(), that can be used to display the entity.
  • taipy.get_entities_by_config_id() can be used to retrieve all entities that are based on the provided configuration identifier.
  • Commands for managing Taipy application versions can now be accessed via the $ taipy manage-versions command. Run $ taipy manage-versions --help for more details.
  • A version can now be renamed by running $ taipy manage-versions --rename <old_version> <new_version> from the CLI.
  • The configuration of a version can now be compared with another one by running $ taipy manage-versions --compare-config <version_1> <version_2> from the CLI.

Improvements and changes





  • Multi-line input controls accept the Shift+Enter combination to create a new line.
    See issue #824.
  • Table filters adapt to a change of the visible columns.
    See issue #822.


  • Page scopes (how Taipy GUI finds bound variables in different modules) have been improved so any given page can locate a variable in any module that defines a local page.
    See the section on page scopes for more information and examples.
  • A new mechanism to start the web server when using Notebooks was put in place to prevent potential bottlenecks when allocating a port number. This behavior is controlled by the notebook_proxy configuration parameter.


  • A generic data node can now be created defining only the read_fct parameter for a read-only data node, or only the write_fct parameter for a write-only data node.
  • The parameters read_fct_params and write_fct_params of the generic data nodes were renamed to read_fct_args and write_fct_args, and both must be populated with a List value to avoid the problem of passing Tuple of one string.
  • The validity_period attribute of a data node is now exposed at the configuration level to set the up-to-date duration of a data node.
  • Add support for SQLAlchemy 2.0

Significant bug fixes



  • The removal of all the table filters has no immediate effect.
    See issue #667.
  • Styling of the pane block was not applied properly.
    See issue #766.
  • Some notifications (see notify()) could be missed when there were too many in a small period of time.
    See issue #777.





  • PipelineConfig has been deprecated and will be combined with ScenarioConfig in future updates.
  • taipy.create_pipeline() has been deprecated.

Community edition: 2.2

Published on 2023-04.

taipy 2.2 contains the latest taipy-config 2.2, taipy-gui 2.2, taipy-core 2.2 and taipy-rest 2.2 packages.

New Features



  • A default set of stylesheets are installed with Taipy GUI so that, by default, applications benefit from a homogeneous and good-looking style. This is called the Stylekit.
    The Stylekit can be easily customized to fit your application design's requirements.
  • The table and chart controls have a new property called rebuild that can be used if you need to entirely change the data they rely on, including their structure.

Improvements and changes



  • The default property name for the part block was changed from render to class_name to allow for directly using the style classes from the Stylekit.
    Please check the section on Styled Sections for more information.
  • The expandable block has a new property called on_change enabling to set a specific callback when the block is expanded or collapsed.
  • Better error messages when parsing Markdown content.
  • Better support for auto-completion in IDE for the configuration parameters, based on a generated Python Interface Definition file.
  • The status entry point now provides information about the loaded element libraries and the elements they define.
  • The navigate() function and the page property of the part block can now use, as their target, any URL. In the context of a part block, the page will be rendered in an iframe.
    See issue #621.

Significant bug fixes



  • Bound variable scope issues fixed when used by elements defined at the root page level.
    See issue #583.
  • Filters management fixed in the table controls.
    See issue #667.
  • Communication with the server may break.
    See issue #695.


  • Error raised when running Core service in development mode after a function rename in the Config.
    See issue #560.


  • PostgreSQL and MySQL engines do not support "driver" argument.
    See issue #544.
    To avoid conflict between engines, the default value of the db_driver parameter in a SQL or a SQL table data node configuration has been removed.

Studio: 1.0

Published on 2023-02.

The first release of the Taipy Studio extension to Visual Studio Code.

Taipy Studio brings programmers tools that significantly improve productivity when building Taipy applications.

It mainly provides:

  • A graphical editor for building configuration files, so one does not have to code configurations in Python any longer;
  • IntelliSense applied to the Markdown syntax extension that Taipy GUI uses to define the visual elements in the interface pages.

You can refer to the Taipy Studio User Manual section for more information.

Community edition: 2.1

Published on 2023-01.

taipy 2.1 contains the latest taipy-config 2.1, taipy-gui 2.1, taipy-core 2.1 and taipy-rest 2.1 packages.

Please refer to the Migration page for details on how to migrate from version older than 2.1.

New Features





  • A security feature has been added: the file .taipyignore, located next to the Python main file, can list the paths that you want to prevent access to.
    See issue #501 or this section for details.
  • Charts can use the new Decimator class to cleverly filter data points out to significantly improve performance.
    See the paragraph on large datasets for specific information.
  • Charts now support polar, funnel, candlesticks and many other types of charts.
    See the chart control section for details.
  • Charts now support the dark theme automatically.
  • Tooltips can be set on individual table cells.
    See the example for more information.
  • Long running callbacks have been improved to allow for easily returning a value.
    See the documentation of the invoke_long_callback() function or the issue #547 for more details.
  • Developers can specify the location of the Taipy webapp, for debugging purposes.
    The --webapp-path command line option allows to specify that location.
    See issue #564.


  • New version management system for Taipy applications. Users can now run an application in development mode, save a version of the application as an experiment version, re-run older experiment versions, and push a version to production.
    See the Version management system documentation page for more details.
  • New data node named MongoCollectionDataNode. It represents the data from a MongoDB collection.
  • New data node named ParquetDataNode. It represents tabular data stored in the Apache Parquet format.
  • Added support for Modin as a new exposed type.
  • Running the Core service is required to execute jobs. See Core().run() method.
  • The parent entities of a data node, a task, or a pipeline can be accessed via DataNode.get_parents(), Task.get_parents(), or Pipeline.get_parents(), or by passing the data node entity, task entity or pipeline entity to the function taipy.get_parents().
  • New data node property expiration_date computed adding the validity_period duration to the last_edit_date of the data node.
  • New data node property is_up_to_date equals to True if the data node has not expired (refer to expiration_date attribute). False otherwise.
  • The sql repository_type is now available on community edition to store Core entities in an SQL database. See SQL storage section.

Improvements and changes



  • The Pie charts now use the values property to set values instead of x.
    See Pie charts for details.
  • Unselected data points or traces in charts now preserve their original opacity.
    See issue #496.
  • class_name is now a dynamic property.
    See issue #480.
  • The allow_unsafe_werkzeug option of Werkzeug (that Flask depends on for the WSGI part) is forced to True when the Gui instance is run in Debug mode, because of a change in policy in recent updates.


  • Add overload type descriptions for the taipy.get() method that supports multiple different combinations of argument types.


  • Deprecation of the data node cacheable property. It is replaced by skippable property on tasks. The mechanism remains unchanged but instead of setting cacheable property to True for all the outputs of a task that can be skipped, just set the task skippable property to True.
  • The last_edit_date attribute of a data node is now updated when the corresponding data is modified by either a Taipy task execution or an external factor. This behavior is limited to file-based data nodes: CSV, Excel, JSON, and pickle data nodes only.

Significant bug fixes



  • The version required for openpyxl has been downgraded from "openpyxl>=3.0.7,<4.0" to "openpyxl>=3.0.7,<3.1" to match the version used by Modin.

Community edition: 2.0

Published on 2022-10.

taipy 2.0 contains the latest taipy-config 2.0, taipy-gui 2.0, taipy-core 2.0 and taipy-rest 2.0 packages.

New Features



  • Extension API: custom visual elements can be integrated into Taipy GUI applications.
    Third party HTML components can be integrated into Taipy GUI pages to address specific use cases.
    See Extension API for details.
  • New callbacks (on_init, on_navigate, on_exception and on_status) can be used to initialize a new session, detect navigation events, trigger code when exceptions are raised in user code, and invoke code when a status page is requested.
    See Callbacks for details.
  • New functions allow applications to invoke long-running callbacks without blocking.
    See Long Running Callbacks for details.
  • The Taipy GUI application configuration uses the generic Taipy configuration mechanism exposed in the new taipy-config package.
  • An application can request the status of the server application using the "status" predefined page.
  • The new 'base' property of the chart control makes it possible to create Gantt chart-like displays.
    See Gantt Charts for details.


  • New data node named SQLTableDataNode. It represents a table in a SQL database.
  • New data node named JSONDataNode. It represents the data from a JSON file.
  • SQLDataNode behavior is changed due to the release of SQLTableDataNode. Now it represents the data using custom read and write queries.
  • In standalone mode, a job whose status is SUBMITTED, PENDING, or BLOCKED can be canceled. When canceling the job, its subsequent jobs will be abandoned, and their statuses will be set to ABANDONED. When the cancel method is called on a job whose status is either RUNNING, COMPLETED, or SKIPPED, its subsequent jobs will be abandoned while its status remains unchanged. A job whose status is FAILED, CANCELED or ABANDONED cannot be canceled.
  • Taipy Core can now be run as a service by using Core().run() or By running Core as a service, Taipy initializes the scheduler and the job dispatcher based on the provided configuration. The Taipy Core service can be run along with Taipy GUI or Taipy Rest services.


  • The new taipy-config package was exposed to be used by any other Taipy package for configuration and logging.

Improvements and changes



  • Stopping then re-running the Gui instance is no longer required in Notebook contexts.
  • A discrete graphical indicator is displayed at the bottom of pages when the server is processing.


  • The data node of a scenario or a pipeline can now be accessed directly at the scenario or pipeline levels.
  • When submitting a scenario, a pipeline, or a task, the job(s) created will be returned.
  • When submitting a scenario, pipeline, or task in standalone mode, the user can use the parameters wait and timeout to wait until the submitted jobs are finished or up to timeout seconds.
  • When in standalone mode, the job dispatcher runs in a sub-thread that periodically checks for new jobs submitted by Taipy to execute.
  • When a running job fails, its subsequent jobs will be automatically abandoned.
  • A primary scenario can be deleted along with its cycle if it is the only scenario in the cycle.
  • The messages of the various Exceptions that can be raised have been improved to help the users debug their applications.

Significant bug fixes



  • image control may not render properly.
    See issue #436.
  • Clarify and improve the editable (and editable[]) property in the table control.
    See issue #464.
  • [gui] section in configuration files breaks the application.
    See issue #469.


  • Bar charts' "barmode" set to "stack" is broken.
    See issue #445.


  • Do not update last_edit_date when a job fails or is abandoned. See issue #366.




  • The field *nb_of_workers* within the Config has been deprecated in favor of *max_nb_of_workers*.

Enterprise edition: 2.0

Published on 2022-10.

New Features

  • SQLLite or MongoDB databases can now be used as alternatives to the filesystem to store Taipy entities.

Improvements and changes

  • Simplification of the authentication API.

Community edition: 1.1

Published on 2022-06.

taipy 1.1 contains the latest taipy-gui 1.1, taipy-core 1.1 and taipy-rest 1.1 packages.

Improvements and changes



  • The client-server communication settings are extended to accommodate various Flask deployment scenarios.
    See the documentation for the async_mode parameter to for more information.
  • Implicit re-run of the Gui instance in Notebook environments.
    See issue #320.
  • Test server/client versions for safe interoperability.
    See issue #323.
  • Allow the edition of specific table columns.
    See issue #366.


  • The State instance can be initialized in a user-defined function. See the on_init attribute of the Gui class for more details.
  • Page definitions and the bound variables can be isolated in a module to clarify the application code organization.
    See this section for details.
  • The chart control can display georeferenced data on top of maps.
    See this example for details.
  • The input and slider controls have a new change_delay property that lets you tune how fast you want to propagate changes.
    This allows for a better user experience.
  • The input control has a new password property that, if True, obscures the user input.
  • The input, number and selector controls have a new label property that lets you display a label inside the control.
  • The layout block has new syntax that makes it easier to define a repetition of column definition.
  • Support for multiple assignment to variables in on_change().


  • Execution modes: "development" mode (default) runs tasks in a synchronous way one task at a time, while "standalone" mode runs tasks in an asynchronous and parallel way using sub-processes.
  • Retry policy to read entities: the global configuration attribute retry_read_entity indicates the number of times Taipy will retry in case of error.
  • Performance improvements when reading and writing entities.

Significant bug fixes



  • Error fixed when modifying a State dictionary entry in a callback.
    See issue #356.
  • Boolean values not editable in tables.
    See issue #365.
  • Crash fixed when using a dictionary in the labels property of the slider control.
    See issue #379.


  • Concurrency issues were fixed.
  • The attr_list extension can be used to style individual Markdown elements without the need for a CSS file.
    See issue #185.
  • Taipy supports HTTPS via reverse proxies.
    See issue #263.




  • The path attribute of DataNodeConfig, for CSV, Excel and Pickle types is now deprecated.
    default_path must be used instead: it is the default path to use when instantiating a data node from the config. Note that the attribute in the DataNode entity is still called path.
  • The last_edition_date attribute of data nodes is now deprecated.
    last_edit_date must be used instead.
  • The edition_in_progress attribute of data nodes is now deprecated.
    edit_in_progress must be used instead.

Enterprise edition: 1.1


Published on 2022-06.

This release contains all of taipy 1.1 as well as additional features.


  • User authentication.
  • Authorization checks for all entities.
  • Job recovery mechanism on application restart.
  • Page generation based on the user's identity.

Community edition: 1.0

Published on 2022-04.

taipy 1.0 contains the latest taipy-gui 1.0, taipy-core 1.0 and taipy-rest 1.0 packages.




  • Multiple pages support
  • Binding to global variables
  • Python expression support in visual element properties
  • Initial visual element set including tables and charts.
  • Page content support for Markdown and HTML
  • Jupyter Notebook support


  • Full configuration system
  • Data node management (read/write/filter/cache)
  • Predefined data nodes (CSV, SQL, EXCEL, PICKLE)
  • Scenario and cycle management
  • Smart scheduling and execution (Scenario, Pipeline, and Task submission)


  • REST APIs on top of taipy-core