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Bases: Section

Configuration fields needed to instantiate an actual Task.


Name Type Description
id str

Identifier of the task config. Must be a valid Python variable name.

inputs Union[DataNodeConfig, List[DataNodeConfig]]

The optional list of DataNodeConfig inputs.
The default value is [].

outputs Union[DataNodeConfig, List[DataNodeConfig]]

The optional list of DataNodeConfig outputs.
The default value is [].

skippable bool

If True, indicates that the task can be skipped if no change has been made on inputs.
The default value is False.

function Callable

User function taking as inputs some parameters compatible with the exposed types (exposed_type field) of the input data nodes and returning results compatible with the exposed types (exposed_type field) of the outputs list.
The default value is None.

**properties dict[str, any]

A dictionary of additional properties.