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Displays a data set as tabular data.


Name Type Default Description
data(★) any

The data to be represented in this table.

page_size int 100

For a paginated table, the number of visible rows.

allow_all_rows bool False

For a paginated table, adds an option to show all the rows.

show_all bool False

For a paginated table, show all the rows.

auto_loading bool False

If True, the data will be loaded on demand.

width[column_name] str

The width, in CSS units, of the indicated column.

selected list[int]|str

The list of the indices of the rows to be displayed as selected.

page_size_options list[int]|str [50, 100, 500]

The list of available page sizes that users can choose from.

columns str|list[str]|dict[str, dict[str, str|int]] shows all columns when empty

The list of the column names to display.

  • str: Semicolon (';')-separated list of column names.
  • list[str]: The list of column names.
  • dict: A dictionary with entries matching: {"col name": {format: "format", index: 1}}.
    if index is specified, it represents the display order of the columns. If index is not specified, the list order defines the index.
    If format is specified, it is used for numbers or dates.

date_format str "MM/dd/yyyy"

The date format used for all date columns when the format is not specifically defined.

number_format str

The number format used for all number columns when the format is not specifically defined.

group_by[column_name] bool False

Indicates, if True, that the given column can be aggregated.
See below for details.

apply[column_name] str "first"

The name of the aggregation function to use.
This is used only if group_by[column_name] is set to True.
See below for details.

style str

Allows the styling of table lines.
See below for details.

style[column_name] str

Allows the styling of table cells.
See below for details.

tooltip str

The name of the function that must return a tooltip text for a cell.
See below for details.

tooltip[column_name] str

The name of the function that must return a tooltip text for a cell.
See below for details.

width str "100%"

The width, in CSS units, of this table control.

height str "80vh"

The height, in CSS units, of this table control.

filter bool False

Indicates, if True, that all columns can be filtered.

filter[column_name] bool False

Indicates, if True, that the indicated column can be filtered.

nan_value str ""

The replacement text for NaN (not-a-number) values.

nan_value[column_name] str ""

The replacement text for NaN (not-a-number) values for the indicated column.

editable bool

Indicates, if True, that all columns can be edited.

editable[column_name] bool editable

Indicates, if False, that the indicated column cannot be edited when editable is True.

on_edit Callback

The name of a function that is triggered when a cell edition is validated.
All parameters of that function are optional:

  • state (State): the state instance.
  • var_name (str): the name of the tabular data variable.
  • payload (dict): the details on this callback's invocation.
    This dictionary has the following keys:
    • index (int): the row index.
    • col (str): the column name.
    • value (any): the new cell value cast to the type of the column.
    • user_value (str): the new cell value, as it was provided by the user.
    • tz (str): the timezone if the column type is date.

If this property is not set, the user cannot edit cells.

on_delete str

The name of a function that is triggered when a row is deleted.
All parameters of that function are optional:

  • state (State): the state instance.
  • var_name (str): the name of the tabular data variable.
  • payload (dict): the details on this callback's invocation.
    This dictionary has the following keys:
    • index (int): the row index.

If this property is not set, the user cannot delete rows.

on_add str

The name of a function that is triggered when the user requests a row to be added.
All parameters of that function are optional:

  • state (State): the state instance.
  • var_name (str): the name of the tabular data variable.
  • payload (dict): the details on this callback's invocation.
    This dictionary has the following keys:
    • index (int): the row index.

If this property is not set, the user cannot add rows.

on_action str

The name of a function that is triggered when the user selects a row.
All parameters of that function are optional:

  • state (State): the state instance.
  • var_name (str): the name of the tabular data variable.
  • payload (dict): the details on this callback's invocation.
    This dictionary has the following keys:
    • action: the name of the action that triggered this callback.
    • index (int): the row index.
    • col (str): the column name.

size str "small"

The size of the rows.
Valid values are "small" and "medium".

rebuild bool

If set to True, this allows to dynamically refresh the columns.

lov[column_name] list[str]|str

The list of values of the indicated column.

active bool

Indicates if this component is active.
An inactive component allows no user interaction.

id str

The identifier that will be assigned to the rendered HTML component.

properties dict[str, any]

Bound to a dictionary that contains additional properties for this element.

class_name str

The list of CSS class names that will be associated with the generated HTML Element.
These class names will be added to the default taipy-<element_type>.

hover_text str

The information that is displayed when the user hovers over this element.

(★)data is the default property for this visual element.


Data types

All the data sets represented in the table control must be assigned to its data property.

The supported types for the data property are:

  • A list of values:
    When receiving a data that is just a series of values, the table is made of a single column holding the values at the corresponding index. The column name is then "0".
  • A Pandas DataFrame:
    Taipy tables then use the same column names as the DataFrame's.
  • A dictionary:
    The value is converted into a Pandas DataFrame where each key/value pair is converted to a column named key and the associated value. Note that this method only works when all the dictionary's values are series of identical lengths.
  • A list of lists of values:
    All the lists must be the same length. The table control creates one row for each list in the collection.
  • A Numpy series:
    Taipy internally builds a Pandas DataFrame with the provided data.

Display modes

The table component supports three display modes:

  • paginated: you can choose the page size and page size options. The allow_all_rows property allows adding an option to show a page with all rows.
  • unpaginated: all rows and no page are shown. That is the setting when the show_all property is set to True.
  • auto_loading: the pages are loaded on demand depending on the visible area. That is the behavior when the auto_loading property is set to True.

Editing the table content

The table control provides interface elements that help modify the represented data.
However, because the data may have been modified before it is displayed (when data is a dictionary, for example) and because you may need to control what values are allowed in the table, the control does not modify the underlying data structure it represents. Instead, different callbacks are invoked in different situations, with all the needed information to implement the actual impact of the user actions.

Here are the different actions provided by the table control.

Adding a row

If the control has its on_add property set to a callback function, an icon appears in the top-left corner of the table:

"Add" icon in the top-left corner of the table

The user can click this icon to add a row to the table. This action triggers the callback function set to the on_add property. The function should create and insert a new row.

The implementation of the callback function depends very much on the data structure of the value used in data.
Here is a potential implementation of such a callback function.
Assuming that the value of the control's data property is a Pandas DataFrame and that its on_add property is set to insert_row:

def insert_row(state: State, var_name: str, payload):
    df =
    # Save the insertion index
    index = payload["index"]
    # Create the new row (Column value types must match the original DataFrame's)
    new_row = ["Julius Caesar", -100]
    if index > 0:
        # Column names and value types must match the original DataFrame
        new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_row, columns=["Name", "BirthYear"])
        # Split the DataFrame
        rows_before = df.loc[:index-1]
        rows_after = df.loc[index+1:] = pd.concat([rows_before, new_df, rows_after], ignore_index=True)
        # Insert as the new first row[-1] = new_row  # Insert the new row = + 1  # Shift index =

Note that the page refreshes instantly after the action: because we set to a new value.

Deleting a row

If the control has its on_delete property set to a callback function, each row of the table displays a 'trash' icon to its left:

Trash icon to the left of a row

The user can click on this icon to delete the row.
The icon then turns to the following:

Validating row deletion

The user must then choose between validating the deletion (checkmark icon) or canceling the operation (cross icon).

If the user confirms the deletion, Taipy GUI invokes the callback function set to the on_delete property.

Here is a potential implementation of such a callback function.
We assume that the control's data property is set to a Pandas DataFrame, and that its on_delete property is set to remove_row:

def remove_row(state: State, var_name: str, payload): =["index"])
The implementation is straightforward: we use the Pandas API to remove a row from the DataFrame and set the new DataFrame to the state slot. The display updates on the spot.

Editing cells

If the table's on_edit property is set, an "Edit" icon appears on the right end of each cell. Users can click this icon to modify the values of individual cells.
Here is how this icon looks:

Edit icon to the right of a cell

When the user clicks this icon, the cell becomes editable:

Editing the cell value

The user can enter a new cell value and click the check (✓) icon (or press the Enter key) to validate the entry.
The user may also click the cancel (🗙) icon (or press the Esc key) to cancel the operation.

Enumerated values

A table control can be defined so that values are constrained to predefined values. In this situation, the interaction for editing value is slightly different, as described in the section on enumerated values.

If the operation is validated, the control triggers the function set to the on_edit property to process the new value.

The code for this function may vary deeply depending on the data structure of the data property and the value types.

Here is an implementation of that callback function in the situation where data is a Pandas DataFrame (and on_edit is set to edit_value):

def edit_value(state: State, var_name: str, payload):[payload["index"], payload["col"]] = payload["value"]
We invoke the Pandas API to modify the impacted cell using the information provided in the payload parameter of the callback function.

Note that in this code, we must explicitly call State.refresh() to update the display because the value of has not changed, and Taipy GUI is unaware of the change in its value.

Enumerated values

You can indicate that columns of the table hold values that must be one among a list of predefined values. These are called "enumerated" columns.
Although Taipy GUI has no control over the values that are stored in the data provided to a table control, it can help drive or restrict values when a user interacts with the table to modify those values.

To illustrate this feature with an example, consider the following table:

A table with an enumerated column

This table contains a list of city names, along with their corresponding country, continent, and population (in millions).

The user can edit any of the table cells. However, it would make edition (and validation) easier if (at least) the "Continent" column was constrained so that the user could only provide valid continent names.
This situation is precisely the purpose of enumerated columns. To indicate that a column is enumerated, you must set its lov indexed property to a list of valid values ("lov" stands for "list of values").
In our example, we need to create a list of valid continent names and set this list as the value of the lov[Continent] property.

The Python code would be:

all_continents = ["Africa", "America", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"]

And the table definition would use the variable all_continents:


<taipy:table lov[Continent]="{all_continents}" on_edit="cell_edit">{data}</taipy:table>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", lov__Continent="{all_continents}", on_edit="cell_edit")

If the user requests the change of a cell from the Continent column, this is how the cell would look like:

Editing an enumerated value

Note that there now is a button that, if pressed, displays a drop-down list of predefined values that the user can choose from:

List of predefined values to pick from

These values are, as expected, the ones listed in the all_continents variable defined above.
If the user enters a value that is not in the list and validates, the table control refuses to use this new value: it is not in the lov for that column.

Value restrictions

In the example above, the user can select a continent name from the list when editing a cell from the Continent column. No value except the ones from the enumeration is accepted in the cell.

In some situations, the enumeration should be considered more as a list of recommendations and not so much as a list of allowed values.
A typical case would be a column that expects to store color names. Although the application can provide a predefined list of color names to the user (because they are the most common ones, like "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", and "Violet" from the rainbow colors), the user may want to enter valid color names such as "Rose" or "Maroon".

You can allow that by setting the first element of the lov for that column to None.
If you define:

predefined_colors = [None, "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Violet"]
Then, setting the lov for the color name column to predefined_colors will guide users who want to change a value in that column but will not enforce the validated value.

The rebuild property

When the application modifies the value of a dynamic property, the impact of the change is immediately reflected on the application page. However, changing the value of properties that are not dynamic requires that the user refreshes the page manually (or that the application explicitly calls navigate() with the force parameter set to True). This is due to the fact that the entire front-end component must be entirely re-generated to reflect its new settings based on the property values.
The table control provides the rebuild property that, when set to True, triggers the rebuilding of the table front-end component and refreshes the page.
Note that this mechanism may hurt the user experience because rebuilding the entire component can be a somewhat complex operation.

Here is a situation where you may need to use rebuild: your application displays a table, and you want to provide a way to interactively change the order of its columns.
Here is what the application code would look like:
from taipy.gui import Gui

# x: [1..5]
x_range = range(1, 6)
data = {
    "X": x_range,
    "Y": [x*x for x in x_range]

column_orders = [("X;Y", "Squared"), ("Y;X", "Square root")]
columns = column_orders[0]

page = """



The table displays two columns of data, one column holding the square value of the other. When you run this application, here is what the page looks like:

Initial display of the application

A toggle button lets the user choose whether to represent, in the second column, the square of the value in the first column or the other way around.
To implement this, the code is setting the value "X;Y" or "Y;X" to the property columns.
Here is what the application looks like just after the user has changed the value of the toggle button:

After the columns should be reordered

We can see that although the value for the toggle button was properly updated, the table has not rearranged its columns. That is because the columns property is not dynamic.

Setting the rebuild property to True allows for updating the table on the fly: let's change the table's Markdown definition to:


If you run the application again, and select the alternative column order in the toggle button, here is what the page looks like:

After the columns are reordered

Now the table properly reflects the value of the columns property and no manual refresh was needed.

Make sure, when you are using the rebuild property, that no performance impact is so bad that it would ruin the user experience.


All the table controls are generated with the "taipy-table" CSS class. You can use this class name to select the tables on your page and apply style.

Stylekit support

The Stylekit provides a CSS custom property:

  • --table-stripe-opacity
    This property contains the opacity applied to odd lines of tables.
    The default value is 0.5.

The Stylekit also provides specific CSS classes that you can use to style tables:

  • header-plain
    Adds a plain and contrasting background color to the table header.
  • rows-bordered
    Adds a bottom border to each row.
  • rows-similar
    Removes the even-odd striped background so all rows have the same background.

Dynamic styling

You can modify the style of entire rows or specific table cells based on any criteria, including the table data itself.

When Taipy creates the rows and the cells, it can add a specific CSS class to the generated elements. This class name is the string returned by the function set to the style property for entire rows, or style[column_name] for specific cells.

The signature of this function depends on which style property you use:

  • style: this applies to entire rows.
    The given function expects three optional parameters:
    • state: the current state
    • index: the index of the row in this table
    • row: all the values for this row
  • style[column_name]: this applies to a specific cell.
    The given function expects five optional parameters:
    • state: the current state
    • value: the value of the cell
    • index: the index of the row in this table
    • row: all the values for this row
    • column_name: the name of the column for this cell

Based on these parameters, the function must return a string that defines a CSS class name that will be added to the CSS classes for this table row or this specific cell.
The example below shows how this works.


Show tabular data

Suppose you want to display the data set defined as follows:

# x_range = [-10, -6, -2, 2, 6, 10]
x_range = range(-10, 11, 4)

data = {
    "x": x_range,
    # y1 = x*x
    "y1": [x*x for x in x_range],
    # y2 = 100-x*x
    "y2": [100-x*x for x in x_range]

You can use the following control declaration to display all these numbers in a table:


import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

The resulting image looks like this:

A simple table

Large data

The example above had only six lines of data. If we change the x_range definition to create far more data lines, we come up with a table with much more data to display:

# x_range = [-10, -9.98, ..., 9.98, 10.0] - 1000 x values
x_range = [round(20*i/1000-10, 2) for i in range(0, 1001)]

data = {
    "x": large_x_range,
    # y1 = x*x
    "y1": [round(x*x, 5) for x in large_x_range],
    # y2 = 100-x*x
    "y2": [round(100-x*x, 5) for x in large_x_range]

We can use the same table control definition:


import taipy.gui.builder as tgb

To get a rendering looking like this:

Paginated table (partial)

Only the first 100 rows (as indicated in the 'Rows per page' selector) are visible.
The table scroll bar lets you navigate across the 100 first rows.
You can change how many rows are displayed simultaneously using the page_size and page_size_options properties.

If you want to display all the rows at the same time, you can change the control definition to set the show_all to True:


<taipy:table show_all>{data}</taipy:table>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", show_all=True)

Now the table displays all the data rows, and the scrollbar lets you navigate among all of them:

Showing all the rows (partial)

Setting the allow_all_rows property to True for a paginated table adds the 'All' option to the page size options, so the user can switch from one mode to the other.

Show specific columns

If you want to display a specific set of columns, you can use the columns property to indicate what columns should be displayed.

Here is how you would define the table control if you want to hide the column y2 from the examples above:


<taipy:table columns="x;y1">{data}</taipy:table>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", columns="x;y1")

And the y2 column is not displayed any longer:

Specifying the visible columns

Styling rows

To give a specific style to a table row, you will use the style property.
This property holds a function that is invoked when each row is rendered, and it must return the name of a style, defined in CSS.

Here is how a row styling function can be defined:

def even_odd_style(_1, index, _2):
    if index % 2:
        return "blue-cell"
        return "red-cell"

We only use the second parameter since, in this straightforward case, we do not need the application state (first parameter) or the values in the row (third parameter).
Based on the row index (received in index), this function returns the name of the style to apply to the row: "blue-cell" if the index is odd, "red-cell" if it is even.

We need to define what these style names mean. This is done in a CSS stylesheet, where the following CSS content would appear:

.blue-cell>td {
    color: white;
    background-color: blue;
.red-cell>td {
    color: yellow;
    background-color: red;

Note that the style selectors use the CSS child combinator selector ">" to target elements that hold a td element (the cells themselves).

To use this style, we can adjust the control definition used above so it looks like this:


<taipy:table style="even_odd_style">{data}</taipy:table>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", style=even_odd_style)

The resulting display will be what we expected:

Styling the rows

Note that the styling function is so simple that we could have made it a lambda, directly in the control definition:

Alternative definition

<|{data}|table|style={lambda s, idx, r: "blue-cell" if idx % 2 == 0 else "red-cell"}|>
<taipy:table data="{data}" style="{lambda s, idx, r: 'blue-cell' if idx % 2 == 0 else 'red-cell'}" />
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", style="{lambda s, idx, r: 'blue-cell' if idx % 2 == 0 else 'red-cell'}" />


To get the aggregation functionality in your table, you must indicate which columns can be aggregated and how to perform the aggregation.

This is done using the indexed group_by and apply properties.

The group_by[column_name] property, when set to True indicates that the column column_name can be aggregated.

The function provided in the apply[column_name] property indicates how to perform this aggregation. The value of this property, which is a string, can be:

  • A built-in function. Available predefined functions are the following: count, sum, mean, median, min, max, std, first (the default value), and last.
  • The name of a user-defined function or a lambda function.
    This function receives a single parameter which is the series to aggregate, and it must return a scalar value that would result from the aggregation.


<|{data}|table|group_by[Group column]|apply[Apply column]=count|>
<taipy:table group_by[Group column] apply[Apply column]="count">{data}</taipy:table>

Cell tooltips

You can specify a tooltip for specific table cells.

When Taipy creates the cells, it can add a specific tooltip that you would have set as the return value of the function set to the tooltip or tooltip[column_name] properties.

The signature of this function expects five optional parameters: - state: the current state. - value: the value of the cell. - index: the index of the row in this table. - row: all the values for this row. - column_name: the name of the column for this cell.

Based on these parameters, the function must return a string that defines a tooltip used as the cell's tooltip text.


<|{data}|table|tooltip={lambda state, val, idx: "A tooltip" if idx % 2 == 0 else "Another tooltip"}|>
<taipy:table tooltip="{lambda state, val, idx: 'A tooltip' if idx % 2 == 0 else 'Another tooltip'}">{data}</taipy:table>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.table("{data}", tooltip="{lambda state, val, idx: 'A tooltip' if idx % 2 == 0 else 'Another tooltip'}")