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Map plots

Taipy leverages Plotly's capabilities of plotting data on top of maps.

The data points to plot must then be stored in the lat and lon properties of the chart control, whose type must be set to scattergeo.
You can find the full description of scattergeo plots on the Plotly reference manual for scattergeo traces.

Key properties

Name Value Notes
type scattergeo
lat Latitude values In degrees North.
lon Longitude values In degrees East.
layout dictionary geo can be used for specific settings for scattergeo plots. See geo property of layout for details.


Simple map

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Here is a simple example demonstrating how to plot a line between two georeferenced locations.

The code that defines all necessary data structures looks like this:

# Flight start and end locations
data = {
    # Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport 
    # to
    # Aéroport de Paris-Charles de Gaulle
    "lat": [33.64, 49.01],
    "lon": [-84.44, 2.55],

layout = {
    # Chart title
    "title": "ATL to CDG",
    # Hide legend
    "showlegend": False,
    # Focus on relevant area
    "geo": {
        "resolution": 50,
        "showland": True,
        "showocean": True,
        "landcolor": "4a4",
        "oceancolor": "77d",
        "lataxis": {
            "range": [20, 60]
        "lonaxis": {
            "range": [-100, 20]

# Flight displayed as a thick, red plot
line = {
    "width": 5,
    "color": "red"

In the dictionary stored in layout["geo"], you can spot a handful of settings tuning how the map is rendered under the line.

The chart definition uses all those objects to create the control:


<taipy:chart type="scattergeo" mode="lines" lat="lat" lon="lon" line="{line}" layout="{layout}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", type="scattergeo", mode="lines", lat="lat", lon="lon", line="{line}", layout="{layout}")

The control renders as shown here:

Flight path

Multiple paths

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

If you need to display several distinct paths on top of a map, you must create a trace for each.

In this example, we have a series of flight descriptions in the flights array. Each flight is described with its origin and destination airports (using their IATA - International Air Transport Association - codes) and how many of these flights are available on a given period (in the traffic property).

We can locate every airport using the airports dictionary that associates the IATA code of an airport with its latitude and longitude.

For every defined flight, we create a new element in the array data used as the data source for the chart control. Each of these elements contains the origin and destination location of every route.
Each of these elements is handled by the chart control as a specific trace: data[0] defines the path for trace 1, data[1] defines the path for trace 2, and so on.

The dictionary properties holds all the information that the chart control uses (including its type). The association of the trace data to the element index in data is done by adding the lat[n] and lon[n] keys to the dictionary.

Here is the complete code:

airports = {
    "AMS": {"lat": 52.31047296675518, "lon": 4.76819929439927},
    "ATL": {"lat": 33.64086185344307, "lon": -84.43600501711686},
    "XIY": {"lat": 34.437119809208546, "lon": 108.7573508575816}

flights = [
    {"from": "ATL", "to": "DFW", "traffic": 580},
    {"from": "ATL", "to": "MIA", "traffic": 224},
    {"from": "SLC", "to": "DFW", "traffic": 280}

data = []
max_traffic = 0
for flight in flights:
    airport_from = airports[flight["from"]]
    airport_to = airports[flight["to"]]
    # Define data source to plot this flight
        "lat": [airport_from["lat"], airport_to["lat"]],
        "lon": [airport_from["lon"], airport_to["lon"]]
    # Store the maximum traffic
    if flight["traffic"] > max_traffic:
        max_traffic = flight["traffic"]

properties = {
    # Chart data
    "data": data,
    # Chart type
    "type": "scattergeo",
    # Keep lines only
    "mode": "lines",
    # Flights display as redish lines
    "line": {
        "width": 2,
        "color": "E22"
    "layout": {
        # Focus on the USA region
        "geo": {
            "scope": "usa"

# Set the proper data source and opacity for each trace
for i, flight in enumerate(flights):
    # lat[trace_index] = "[index_in_data]/lat"
    properties[f"lat[{i+1}]"] = f"{i}/lat"
    # lon[trace_index] = "[index_in_data]/lon"
    properties[f"lon[{i+1}]"] = f"{i}/lon"
    # Set flight opacity (max traffic -> max opacity)
    # Hide legend for all flights
    properties[f"options[{i+1}]"] = {
        "opacity": flight["traffic"]/max_traffic,
        "showlegend": False

Because the properties holds everything that the chart control needs, the control definition is really short:


<taipy:chart properties="{properties}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", properties="{properties}")

Here is how the chart control is displayed:

US flights

Bubbles on map

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

You may need to represent some value at their appropriate location.

In the following code, the array cities holds a series of cities with their location and human population.
We create a Pandas DataFrame that holds the full information, where we add two columns that the chart control can use to build the bubbles themselves:

cities = [
    {"name": "Tokyo", "lat": 35.6839, "lon": 139.7744, "population": 39105000},
    {"name": "Jakarta", "lat": -6.2146, "lon": 106.8451, "population": 35362000},
    {"name": "Xinyang", "lat": 32.1264, "lon": 114.0672, "population": 6109106},

# Convert to Pandas DataFrame
data = pandas.DataFrame(cities)

# Add a column holding the bubble size:
#   Min(population) -> size =  5
#   Max(population) -> size = 60
solve = numpy.linalg.solve([[data["population"].min(), 1], [data["population"].max(), 1]],
                           [5, 60])
data["size"] = data["population"].apply(lambda p: p*solve[0]+solve[1])

# Add a column holding the bubble hover texts
# Format is "<city name> [<population>]"
data["text"] = data.apply(lambda row: f"{row['name']} [{row['population']}]", axis=1)

marker = {
    # Use the "size" column to set the bubble size
    "size": "size"

layout = {
    "geo": {
        "showland": True,
        "landcolor": "4A4"

See how the new columns named "size" and "text" are computed from the whole DataFrame, holding generated data that the chart control can automatically convert to visual information.

Here is how the chart control is defined:


<taipy:chart type="scattergeo" mode="markers" lat="lat" lon="lon" marker="{marker}" text="text" layout="{layout}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", type="scattergeo", mode="markers", lat="lat", lon="lon", marker="{marker}", text="text", layout="{layout}")

Here is the resulting chart display:

Populated cities