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Gantt charts

Although Plotly does not have Gantt chart-specific features, there are ways to display horizontal bar charts with different starting points that can look like a Gantt chart.

Therefore, the basis for creating a chart control representing a Gantt chart, you must set the type property of the control to "bar" and set the orientation property to "h".

In a Gantt chart, you have two inescapable traits:

  • the x axis represents the time.
  • the y axis holds a list of tasks that are scheduled or a list of resources that are assigned different tasks along the time.

Gantt charts are based on a timeline. Working with the Plotly bar charts using dates and times as an axis value is pretty tricky and needs explanations:

  • Every bar represents a time span for a given activity.
  • Setting its y location is straightforward: the y value for that bar is the name of the task or the resource it is assigned to.
  • Each bar needs two values, indicating when an activity starts and ends. This is where things are a bit more complicated:
    • The base value for each bar must be set to the date when the activity starts.
    • The x value for each bar must be set to a datetime value representing the duration of the activity relative to January 1st, 1970.

To summarize: if you have a task "T" planned between <date1> and <date2>, you will have to provide the chart control with:

  • base = <date1>
  • y = T
  • x = date(January 1st, 1970)+<date2>-<date1>

The first example below illustrates this.

By default, the text displayed when hovering over a bar is the contents of the base property. So, in the above situation, the tooltip would display the start date of a bar you hover over.
If you need to display the end date instead, this is what you need to do:

  • The base value for each bar must be set to the date when the activity ends.
  • You must use negative time spans: the x values would be the duration of the activities, subtracted from the Unix epoch, January 1st, 1970.
    I.e.: x = date(January 1st, 1970)-<date2>+<date1>

Key properties

Name Value Notes
type bar
x series of datetime The duration of the activities expressed relative to the Unix epoch (January 1st, 1970). See above for details.
y The tasks or the resources.
orientation h The main axis for Gantt charts is the horizontal axis.
base series of datetime The start dates of the activities (or end dates if you use negative time spans).


Simple Gantt chart

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Here is a simple example of using the chart control to display a Gantt chart.

We want to display, over time, the span of several tasks.

Here is the code that we use:

# Tasks definitions
tasks = ["Plan", "Research", "Design", "Implement", "Test", "Deliver"]
# Task durations, in days
durations = [50, 30, 30, 40, 15, 10]
# Planned start dates of tasks
start_dates = [, 10, 15), # Plan, 11,  7), # Research, 12,  1), # Design, 12, 20), # Implement,  1, 15), # Test,  2,  1)  # Deliver

epoch =, 1, 1)

data = {
    "start": start_dates,
    "Task": tasks,
    # Compute the time span as a datetime (relative to January 1st, 1970)
    "Date": [epoch+datetime.timedelta(days=d) for d in durations]

layout = {
    "yaxis": {
        # Sort tasks from top to bottom
        "autorange": "reversed",
        # Remove title
        "title": {"text": ""}

The start column of the data set should be used as the data source for the base property of the chart control.

The Date column (named as such so it appears nicely under the x axis) of data is set to the list of all tasks' duration as a datetime object relative to the Unix epoch: January 1st, 1970.
This column should be used to set the data source for the control's x property.

Also notice the layout object: this is used to make the Gantt chart slightly nicer. In particular, the ordering of the tasks is reversed; otherwise, the first task would appear at the bottom of the chart.

Here is how we defined the chart control:


<taipy:chart type="bar" orientation="h" y="Task" x="Date" base="start" layout="{layout}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", type="bar", orientation="h", y="Task", x="Date", base="start", layout="{layout}")

The resulting Gantt chart looks like this:

Simple Gantt chart