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Filled areas

An area chart displays a solid-colored area between the traces.

To get a filled area chart, we must set the fill property of the dictionary used as the chart's options property to a value that indicates how you want to perform the fill.
This value can be one of "none", "tozeroy", "tozerox" , "tonexty", "tonextx", "toself", or "tonext", as indicated in the Scatter fill section of the Plotly documentation

Key properties

Name Value Notes
type scatter
x x values
y y values
options dictionary fill indicates how to perform the fill.
stackgroup indicates the name of the stack group to associate the trace with.


Simple filled area chart

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Here is how we can create a filled area chart to represent the number of items sold every weekday:

data = {
    "Day":   ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri'],
    "Items": [32, 25, 86, 60, 70],

options = {
    # Fill to x axis
    "fill": "tozeroy"

The chart control definition is straightforward:


<taipy:chart x="Day" y="Items" options="{options}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", x="Day", y="Items", options="{options}")

Note that we have not set the type property, which defaults to "scatter". This is what we want for our filled area chart.

The resulting chart is displayed as follows:

Filled area chart

Overlayed filled areas

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Suppose we want also to visualize the price of the items.
One way of doing this could be to overlay the two traces on top of each other.

Here is an example that does just that:

data = {
    "Day":   [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri" ],
    "Items": [ 32, 25, 86, 60, 70],
    "Price": [ 80, 50, 140, 10, 70],

options = [
    # For items
    {"fill": "tozeroy"},
    # For price
    # Using "tonexty" not to cover the first trace
    {"fill": "tonexty"}

We now have two data sets (Items and Price) that we want to display in the same chart, using overlay.

The options dictionary holds the fill setting for both traces.

Let's use that in our chart control definition:


<taipy:chart mode="none" x="Day" y[1]="Items" y[2]="Price" options="{options}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", mode="none", x="Day", y__1="Items", y__2="Price", options="{options}")

Note that we set mode to "none" in order to remove the dots that would otherwise be displayed at each data point.

Here is what the result looks like:

Overlay of Area Charts

Stacked Area Chart

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Multiple traces in a filled area chart can also be displayed as a stack of traces.

To do this, you need to set the stackgroup of the dictionary set to the options property of the chart control to a group name.

Here is some code that demonstrates this:

data = {
    "Month":  [
      "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
    "Milk":   [ 80, 85, 95, 120, 140, 130, 145, 150, 120, 100, 90, 110 ],
    "Bread":  [ 100, 90, 85, 90, 100, 110, 105, 95, 100, 110, 120, 125 ],
    "Apples": [ 50, 65, 70, 65, 70, 75, 85, 70, 60, 65, 70, 80 ]

# Name of the three sets to trace
items = ["Milk", "Bread", "Apples"]

options = {
    # Group all traces in the same stack group
    "stackgroup": "first_group"

The chart control definition will use that dictionary:


<taipy:chart mode="none" x="Month" y="{items}" options="{options}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", mode="none", x="Month", y="{items}", options="{options}")

Here is the resulting display:

Stacking areas

Normalized Stacked Area Chart

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Normalizing a stacked area chart makes it easy to visualize relative quantities among different data. All values for a given 'x' value are displayed as a percentage of the overall total.

Suppose we want to show the ratio of cosmetic products sales across different regions in a hypothetic company:

data = {
    "Products": [
        "Nail polish", "Eyebrow pencil", "Rouge", "Lipstick",
        "Eyeshadows", "Eyeliner", "Foundation", "Lip gloss", "Mascara"
    "USA": [ 12814, 13012, 11624, 8814, 12998, 12321, 10342, 22998, 11261 ],
    "China": [ 3054, 5067, 7004, 9054, 12043, 15067, 10119, 12043, 10419 ],
    "EU": [ 4376, 3987, 3574, 4376, 4572, 3417, 5231, 4572, 6134 ],
    "Africa": [ 4229, 3932, 5221, 9256, 3308, 5432, 13701, 4008, 18712 ]

# Order the different traces
ys = [ "USA", "China", "EU", "Africa" ]

options = [
    # For the USA
    { "stackgroup": "one", "groupnorm": "percent" },
    # For China
    { "stackgroup": "one" },
    # For the EU
    { "stackgroup": "one" },
    # For Africa
    { "stackgroup": "one" }

layout = {
    # Show all values when hovering on a data point
    "hovermode": "x unified"

Note how the first trace's options have the groupnorm property set to "percent".

Here is how we would define our chart control:


<taipy:chart mode="none" x="Products" y="{ys}" options="{options}" layout="{layout}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", mode="none", x="Products", y="{ys}", options="{options}", layout="{layout}")

The chart looks like this:

Normalized Stacked Area Chart