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Continuous error bands

Continuous error bands represent the error or the measurement imprecision as a filled area around a reference trace.
They are used similarly to error bars except they appear as a continuous shape surrounding the main trace.

A continuous error band is not a new type of chart: it is an additional trace usually displayed under the reference trace, created as a filled area chart.

Key properties

Name Value Notes
type scatter
x x values
y y values
options dictionary fill should be set to "toself" to create the error band shape.


Simple continuous error band

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Here is a complete example that demonstrates how to create a continuous error band.

We create the shape of the error band from the input data that is applied a random error displacement, positively and negatively:

# Common axis for all data: [1..10]
x = list(range(1, 11))
# Sample data
samples = [5, 7, 8, 4, 5, 9, 8, 8, 6, 5]

# Generate error data
# Error that adds to the input data
error_plus  = [3*random.random()+.5 for _ in x]
# Error substracted from to the input data
error_minus = [3*random.random()+.5 for _ in x]

# Upper bound (y + error_plus)
error_upper = [y+e for (y, e) in zip(samples, error_plus)]
# Lower bound (y - error_minus)
error_lower = [y-e for (y, e) in zip(samples, error_minus)]

data = [
    # Trace for samples
        "x": x,
        "y": samples
    # Trace for error range
        # Roundtrip around the error bounds: onward then return
        "x": x + list(reversed(x)),
        # The two error bounds, with lower bound reversed
        "y": error_upper + list(reversed(error_lower))

properties = {
    # Error data
    "x[1]": "1/x",
    "y[1]": "1/y",
    "options[1]": {
        # Shows as filled area
        "fill": "toself",
        "fillcolor": "rgba(70,70,240,0.6)",
        "showlegend": False
    # Don't show surrounding stroke
    "color[1]": "transparent",

    # Raw data (displayed on top of the error band)
    "x[2]": "0/x",
    "y[2]": "0/y",
    "color[2]": "rgb(140,50,50)",
    # Shown in the legend
    "name[2]": "Input"

The reference data is stored in the samples array.
We generate a random error margin (additive in error_plus and subtractive in error_minus) that we use to compute the band's shape, applying the error for each data point.

The shape of the error band is the concatenation of two arrays: the upper and the lower bounds (respectively in error_upper and error_lower).

Note that because there are many properties to configure the chart control, we use the dictionary properties that holds them all.

That dictionary is then used in the chart control definition:


<taipy:chart properties="{properties}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", properties="{properties}")

Here is the result:

Continuous Error

Multiple bands

You can download the entire source code used in this section from the GitHub repository.

Of course, you may need to display several traces with their related continuous error bands.
In that situation, you only need is to create an individual trace for the reference data and another for its band representation.

This example uses three sets of data with their own associated bands. In this case, we're not talking about errors but rather: range.
Throughout the year, we watch the price of three items at the closest store every month, and we make a note of the cheapest and most expensive alternatives we could have gotten our groceries from. This defines our ranges, for every type of item.

Here is the code that does that:

# Data is collected from January 1st, 2010, every month
start_date = datetime.datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1)
period = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)

# Data
# All arrays have the same size (the number of months to track)
prices = {
    # Data for apples
    "apples": [2.48, 2.47, 2.5, 2.47, 2.46, 2.38, 2.31, 2.25, 2.39, 2.41, 2.59, 2.61],
    "apples_low": [1.58, 1.58, 1.59, 1.64, 1.79, 1.54, 1.53, 1.61, 1.65, 2.02, 1.92, 1.54],
    "apples_high": [3.38, 3.32, 2.63, 2.82, 2.58, 2.53, 3.27, 3.15, 3.44, 3.42, 3.08, 2.86],
    "bananas": [2.94, 2.50, 2.39, 2.77, 2.43, 2.32, 2.37, 1.90, 2.31, 2.71, 3.38, 1.92],
    "bananas_low": [2.12, 1.90, 1.69, 2.44, 1.58, 1.81, 1.44, 1.00, 1.59, 1.74, 2.78, 0.96],
    "bananas_high": [3.32, 2.70, 3.12, 3.25, 3.00, 2.63, 2.54, 2.37, 2.97, 3.69, 4.36, 2.95],
    "cherries": [6.18, None, None, None, 3.69, 2.46, 2.31, 2.57, None, None, 6.50, 4.38],
    "cherries_high": [7.00, None, None, None, 8.50, 6.27, 5.61, 4.36, None, None, 8.00, 7.23],
    "cherries_low": [3.55, None, None, None, 1.20, 0.87, 1.08, 1.50, None, None, 5.00, 4.20]

# Create monthly time series
months = [start_date+n*period for n in range(0, len(prices["apples"]))]

data = [
    # Raw data
        "Months":  months,
        "apples": prices["apples"],
        "bananas": prices["bananas"],
        "cherries": prices["cherries"]
    # Range data (twice as many values)
        "Months2":  months + list(reversed(months)),
        "apples": prices["apples_high"] + list(reversed(prices["apples_low"])),
        "bananas": prices["bananas_high"] + list(reversed(prices["bananas_low"])),
        "cherries": prices["cherries_high"] + list(reversed(prices["cherries_low"]))

properties = {
    # First trace: reference for Apples
    "x[1]": "0/Months",
    "y[1]": "0/apples",
    "color[1]": "rgb(0,200,80)",
    #     Hide line
    "mode[1]": "markers",
    #     Show in the legend
    "name[1]": "Apples",
    # Second trace: reference for Bananas
    "x[2]": "0/Months",
    "y[2]": "0/bananas",
    "color[2]": "rgb(0,100,240)",
    #     Hide line
    "mode[2]": "markers",
    #     Show in the legend
    "name[2]": "Bananas",
    # Third trace: reference for Cherries
    "x[3]": "0/Months",
    "y[3]": "0/cherries",
    "color[3]": "rgb(240,60,60)",
    #     Hide line
    "mode[3]": "markers",
    #     Show in the legend
    "name[3]": "Cherries",
    # Fourth trace: range for Apples
    "x[4]": "1/Months2",
    "y[4]": "1/apples",
    "options[4]": {
        "fill": "tozerox",
        "showlegend": False,
        "fillcolor": "rgba(0,100,80,0.4)",
    #      No surrounding stroke
    "color[4]": "transparent",
    # Fifth trace: range for Bananas
    "x[5]": "1/Months2",
    "y[5]": "1/bananas",
    "options[5]": {
        "fill": "tozerox",
        "showlegend": False,
        "fillcolor": "rgba(0,180,250,0.4)"
    #      No surrounding stroke
    "color[5]": "transparent",
    # Sixth trace: range for Cherries
    "x[6]": "1/Months2",
    "y[6]": "1/cherries",
    "options[6]": {
        "fill": "tozerox",
        "showlegend": False,
        "fillcolor": "rgba(230,100,120,0.4)",
    #      No surrounding stroke
    "color[6]": "transparent"

Because we now have to handle six different traces, it is not surprising to see the dictionary properties to be quite populated.

The chart definition has not changed:


<taipy:chart properties="{properties}">{data}</taipy:chart>
import taipy.gui.builder as tgb
tgb.chart("{data}", properties="{properties}")

And the chart looks like this:

Multiple bands

This chart clearly shows how the price for cherries varies significantly more over the year than for apples or bananas.