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Taipy Cloud


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Welcome to Taipy Cloud, the platform designed to make application deployment easier, ensuring accessibility and stability. In this detailed guide, we will take you through the process of deploying a Taipy application on Taipy Cloud.

Taipy Cloud

We'll cover everything from configuration to testing.

Step 1: Configure Your Application

To deploy your application, you need to prepare a requirements.txt file that lists all the dependencies necessary for your Taipy application.

Here are the steps to create this file:

  1. In your project directory, create a new file named requirements.txt.
  2. List all the dependencies, one per line, as shown in the example below
  3. Create a zip archive containing your project folder, including your application’s requirements.txt and files.


Using Windows-specific libraries is not supported, as the machines operate on a Linux environment.

Step 2: Create an Account on Taipy Cloud

Visit and sign up for an account or sign in with your account if it already exists. This will enable you to deploy applications with ease.

Step 3: Create a Machine

Before deploying your first application, you need to create a machine on Taipy Cloud. Machines can be tailored to meet your specific needs, and when you click Add machine on the Taipy Cloud dashboard, you can configure several parameters:

  • Machine name: Provide a unique name for your machine.
  • Python version: Choose from a Python version 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12.
  • Machine size: Select from Small, Medium, or Large, depending on your application's requirements. Larger machines can handle more complex applications simultaneously. The default setting is a small-size machine. If you're a first-time user of Taipy Cloud, you'll also be prompted to create a username and password. This will allow you to access your machine's logs.

These configurations enable you to customize your machine according to your application's needs and access important information about its performance.

Create a Machine

Step 4: Create an Application

After creating your app, you can select it and see the applications on it. For now, there is none; let’s make one.

Click Add App and upload your Taipy Application’s zip file. Specify the names of your main script and requirements.txt file.

Create an Application

Additionally, you can choose a custom name for your application and URL, which will be displayed as <Deployment name>

The dialog includes two additional sections for further customization:

  • Environment Variables: This section allows you to inject environment variables and secrets into your applications.

  • Configuration: Additionally, you have the option to modify the configuration of your Taipy application. This can be done by uploading or changing a configuration TOML.

Step 5: Test Your App

Once your Taipy application is deployed, you can test it to ensure everything is functioning correctly. To do this, access it using the provided URL and run through its features, verifying its stability and accessibility.

Additionally, you can access the Console Logs link, which displays application events such as warnings, errors, and print statements, offering insights into your application’s performance.

The Taipy Cloud dashboard provides additional information such as CPU, RAM, and Disk usage for each machine and application.

Connect with SSH or FileZilla

To facilitate the management of your application's files and data, Taipy Cloud supports connections via SSH and FileZilla. This allows you to securely transfer files to and from your cloud machine, which is particularly useful for handling large data sets or files that need to be updated or replaced between deployments.

Create a Machine

Connecting via SSH

  • Connect to Your Machine: Use the SSH command provided by Taipy Cloud:
ssh <user>@<machine name> -p <port>
  • Username: Enter your username.

  • Password: Enter the password you have provided for the machine.

Connecting via FileZilla

Open FileZilla and fill in the details as follows:

  • Host: <your-machine-name> - Replace <your-machine-name> with the actual name of your machine.
  • Username: Enter your username.
  • Password: Enter the password you have provided for the machine.

Click Quickconnect: If everything is configured correctly, FileZilla will establish a secure connection to your Taipy Cloud machine, and you'll be able to start transferring files.

Best Practices for File Transfer

  • Manage File Sizes: To optimize performance and deployment times, avoid uploading unnecessary large files including __pycache__, virtualenv and git files. Use compression when possible.

  • Security: Always ensure your keys and passwords are secure and not shared with unauthorized individuals.

In conclusion, Taipy Cloud is an easy platform for deploying your Taipy applications with ease. By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure that your application remains accessible and stable.