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Based on Git

Deploy a Taipy application based on git with Heroku


1. Add version control to your application

Note: This step is necessary only if your application doesn't already use Git.

git init
git config [--global] "Full Name"
git config [--global] ""
git add .
git commit -m "My first commit"

2. Prepare your stack

To be able to run your app, Heroku will need the following files:

  • runtime.txt: Contains the version of Python you want to use. You can find the list of available versions at Heroku supported versions of Python.

    In this example, your runtime.txt should contain:


    Now you should save this file in your git repository by doing:

    git add runtime.txt
    git commit -m "Add Heroku runtime requirement"

  • Procfile: The command launched by Heroku to start your application.

    If your main module file is, Procfile should contain:

    web: python -H -P $PORT
    Note that we are using the -H and -P options (as described in the Taipy GUI Configuration section) to provide Taipy with the appropriate host and port settings for the web application.

    Now you should save this file in your git repository by doing:

    git add Procfile
    git commit -m "Add Heroku Procfile requirement"

  • requirements.txt: The dependency file. See Virtual environments for details.

    Note: If you already have a requirements.txt file up to date in your Git, you can ignore this step.

    You can create this file by dumping all your dependencies then commit the file by doing:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt
    git add requirements.txt
    git commit -m "Add dependencies file"

3. Deployment

In our example, we use the name my-taipy-app for our application. On Heroku, this name must be unique. Replace it everywhere by a custom value.

heroku login
heroku create my-taipy-app
heroku git:remote -a <my-taipy-app>
heroku config:set CLIENT_URL="https://<my-taipy-app>" -a <my-taipy-app>
git push heroku main

Note: This example works if you are working on the main branch. If you are working on another branch you should run git push heroku <your-branch-name>:main check the official Heroku doc.

4. Check your deployment

You can go to the url https://<my-taipy-app> in your browser or run heroku open -a <my-taipy-app>. Your application should be deployed correctly.

5. Clean up your resources

Remove the Heroku application: heroku apps:destroy <my-taipy-app> --confirm <my-taipy-app>